0.0.2 • Published 10 years ago

dirtree v0.0.2

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10 years ago


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Translate a directory structure into a tree object.

This module translates a directory structure into a tree object and provides an interface to search and load leaves (files) within that tree.


$ npm install dirtree


To create a new tree generator,

var createTree = require( 'dirtree' );

var tree = createTree();

A tree is configurable and has the following methods...

tree.root( root )

This method is a setter/getter. If no root directory is provided, returns the tree root. To set the tree root,

tree.root( __dirname );

The root should be an absolute path.

tree.include( type, filter )

This method is a setter/getter for regular expression filters to include particular files and directories. The method accepts two types: files and dirs. If no filter is provided, returns the inclusion filter for the specified type. To set an inclusion filter,

// Only include CSS files from build or styles directories:
tree.include( 'dirs', /build|styles/ ); // /build, /styles, /styles/build, /build/styles
tree.include( 'files', /.+\.css/ );

tree.exclude( type, filter )

This method is a setter/getter for regular expression filters to exclude particular files and directories. The method accepts two types: files and dirs. If no filter is provided, returns the exclusion filter for the specified type. To set an exclusion filter,

// Exclude any hidden directories and dot files:
tree.exclude( 'dirs', /^\./ );
tree.exclude( 'files', /^\./ );


This method creates a directory tree. To create a tree,


You must first set a root directory before running this method.


This method returns all tree leaves. If a tree has not been created, leaves will be an empty array. To return all tree leaves,


Note: the array elements will be relative paths from the root directory.

tree.search( include, exclude )

This method searches a tree for leaves matching the provided regular expression filters. Either an include or exclude or both filters are required. To only specify an exclude filter, set the include filter to null. To perform a search,

// Search inclusively for `*.md` files:
tree.search( /+.\.md$/ );

// Search for any files which are not `*.txt` files:
tree.search( null, /.+\.txt$/ );

// Search both inclusively and exclusively for all files having `foo` but not `bar` in their relative paths:
tree.search( /foo/, /bar/ );

tree.read( options, clbk )

This method searches a tree for leaves matching provided filters and reads the leaves ( files), returning the file content. The options object may have one or more of the following fields:

var options = {
		'include': /foo/,
		'exclude': /bar/,
		'encoding': 'utf8',
		'concat': true

The filters are the same as for tree.search(). The encoding option is the file encoding. The concat flag indicates whether the file content should be concatenated and returned as a string. If set to false, the file content is returned as an object, where each field is the absolute file path and each value is the corresponding file content.

To read leaves and concatentate the file content into a single string,

var options = {
		'include': /.+\.css$/,
		'exclude': /src/,
		'encoding': 'utf8',
		'concat': true

// Read and concatenate all CSS files not in a `src` directory:
tree.read( options, onRead );

function onRead( error, content ) {
	if ( error ) {
		console.error( error );
	console.log( content );


This method serializes a directory tree as JSON. To get the JSON tree,



var createTree = require( 'dirtree' );

// Create a new tree generator:
var tree = createTree();

// Configure and create a tree:
	.root( __dirname )
	.exclude( 'dirs', /^\./ )
	.exclude( 'files', /^\./ )

// Serialize the tree:
console.log( tree.toJSON() );

// List the leaves:
console.log( tree.leaves() );

// Search the leaves:
console.log( tree.search( /index.js/ ) );

// Read the leaves:
		'include': /\.txt$/,
		'encoding': 'utf8',
		'concat': true
	function onRead( text ) {
		console.log( text );

To run example code from the top-level application directory,

$ node ./examples/index.js


This module currently only supports directories and files and does not support symlinks, devices, FIFO, or sockets.



Unit tests use the Mocha test framework with Chai assertions. To run the tests, execute the following command in the top-level application directory:

$ make test

All new feature development should have corresponding unit tests to validate correct functionality.

Test Coverage

This repository uses Istanbul as its code coverage tool. To generate a test coverage report, execute the following command in the top-level application directory:

$ make test-cov

Istanbul creates a ./reports/coverage directory. To access an HTML version of the report,

$ open reports/coverage/lcov-report/index.html

Prior Art


  • [findit](https://github.com/substack/node-findit)
  • walker
  • walkdir
  • [walk](https://github.com/coolaj86/node-walk)
  • [filewalker](https://github.com/oleics/node-filewalker).


  • [fs-walk](https://github.com/confcompass/fs-walk)
  • [jsondir](https://github.com/dwieeb/node-jsondir)
  • node-dir
  • [glob](https://github.com/isaacs/node-glob)
  • [glob-stream](https://github.com/wearefractal/glob-stream)


MIT license.


Copyright © 2014. Athan Reines.