0.0.1 • Published 5 years ago

discord-anti-spam-tur v0.0.1

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Last release
5 years ago


A simple module with quick setup and different options to implement anti-spam features in your bot.


To install this module type the following command in your console:

npm i discord-anti-spam

Support Server

Join our Support Server where we help you with issues regarding the module.

Bug Reports

If you have any bugs or trouble setting the module up, feel free to open an issue on Github


Example of a basic bot handling spam messages using this module.

const Discord = require("discord.js");
const client = new Discord.Client();
const DiscordAntiSpam = require("discord-anti-spam");
const AntiSpam = new DiscordAntiSpam({
  warnThreshold: 3, // Amount of messages sent in a row that will cause a warning.
  banThreshold: 5, // Amount of messages sent in a row that will cause a ban
  maxInterval: 2000, // Amount of time (in ms) in which messages are cosidered spam.
  warnMessage: "{@user}, Please stop spamming.", // Message will be sent in chat upon warning.
  banMessage: "**{user_tag}** has been banned for spamming.", // Message will be sent in chat upon banning.
  maxDuplicatesWarning: 7, // Amount of same messages sent that will be considered as duplicates that will cause a warning.
  maxDuplicatesBan: 10, // Amount of same messages sent that will be considered as duplicates that will cause a ban.
  deleteMessagesAfterBanForPastDays: 1, // Amount of days in which old messages will be deleted. (1-7)
  ignoredUsers: [], // array of ignored user ids
  ignoredGuilds: [], // array of ignored guild ids
  exemptPermissions: ["MANAGE_MESSAGES", "ADMINISTRATOR", "MANAGE_GUILD", "BAN_MEMBERS"], // Bypass users with at least one of these permissions
  ignoreBots: true, // Ignore bot messages
  verbose: false, // Extended Logs from module
  client: client, // Client is your Discord.Client and is a required option.
  ignoredUsers: [], // Array of string user IDs that are ignored
  ignoredGuilds: [] // Array of string Guild IDs that are ignored

AntiSpam.on("warnEmit", (member) => console.log(`Attempt to warn ${member.user.tag}.`));
AntiSpam.on("warnAdd", (member) => console.log(`${member.user.tag} has been warned.`));
AntiSpam.on("banEmit", (member) => console.log(`Attempt to ban ${member.user.tag}.`));
AntiSpam.on("banAdd", (member) => console.log(`${member.user.tag} has been banned.`));
AntiSpam.on("dataReset", () => console.log("Module cache has been cleared."));

client.on("ready", () => console.log(`Logged in as ${client.user.tag}.`));

client.on("message", (msg) => {
