1.0.1 • Published 10 months ago

discord-arts-zhorde v1.0.1

Weekly downloads
Last release
10 months ago

📦 Installation

npm i discord-arts-zhorde@latest

This package, discord-arts-zhorde, is a custom fork of the original discord-arts by iAsure.\ This package adds more customizability and options, to be used by the official discord bot of the ZombieHorde (zhorde) Minecraft server.

Note: this package is not directly compatible with code made using the original discord-arts. Slight changes have been made to sending and configuring cards.

✨ Features

  • 🚀 Fast generation!
  • 🎨 Simple and beautiful design
  • 🎖️ Now easier to use than ever!
  • 💎 Beginner friendly
  • 🚫 Does not require Discord.js!

🌟 Extra Features In discord-arts-zhorde

  • 🖌️ Customize level label color
  • 🥇 Automatically color rank label for 1st, 2nd, 3rd place
  • 🔠 Auto-abbreviate XP, level, rank numbers as large as 93 digits (9630 -> 9.6K)
  • 🔆 Brighten XP progress bar
  • 😎 Customize background brightness
  • 🫠 Increase background blur
  • 📅 Use custom date in date label
  • 📈 Send cards even easier in Discord.js!

🖼️ Cards

🪄 profileImage(userId, imgOptions?)

Generates the card of a user/bot, with its badges.

profileImage(userId, {
  customTag?: string, // Text below the user
  customBadges?: string[], // Your own png badges (path and URL) (46x46)
  customBackground?: string, // Change the background to any image (path and URL) (885x303)
  overwriteBadges?: boolean, // Merge your badges with the discord defaults
  badgesFrame?: boolean, // Creates a small frame behind the badges
  removeBadges?: boolean, // Removes badges, whether custom or from discord
  removeBorder?: boolean, // Removes the image border, custom and normal
  usernameColor?: string, // Username HEX color
  tagColor?: string, // Tag HEX color
  borderColor?: string | string[], // Border HEX color, can be gradient if 2 colors are used
  borderAlign?: string, // Gradient alignment if 2 colors are used
  presenceStatus?: string, // User status to be displayed below the avatar
  squareAvatar?: boolean, // Change avatar shape to a square
  rankData?: {
    currentXp: number, // Current user XP
    requiredXp: number, // XP required to level up
    level: number, // Current user level
    rank?: number, // Position on the leaderboard
    barColor?: string, // HEX XP bar color

    // === Options added in discord-arts-zhorde: ===

    levelColor?: string, // HEX color of LVL text
    autoColorRank?: boolean, // Whether to color ranks as medal colors for 1st, 2nd, 3rd
    brighterBar?: boolean, // Increases brightness of XP bar

  // === Options added in discord-arts-zhorde: ===

  moreBackgroundBlur?: boolean, // Triples blur of background image
  backgroundBrightness?: number, // Set brightness of background from 0-200%
  customDate?: Date, // Custom date to use instead of when user joined Discord

Returns: Promise<DiscordCard>

📃 Discord.js v14 Interaction Example

const { AttachmentBuilder } = require('discord.js');
const { profileImage } = require('discord-arts');

await interaction.deferReply();
const user = interaction.options.getUser('user-option');

const card = await profileImage(user.id, {
  customTag: 'Admin',

// discord-arts-zhorde allows you to directly attach cards:
// Or card.followUp(interaction);

📃 Discord.js v14 Message Example

// discord-arts-zhorde allows you to directly attach with messages, too:
// Or card.reply(message);

📃 Directly Using Buffer

// Need the buffer? Discord-arts-zhorde has got you covered:
const buffer = card.buffer();

// And then use the buffer wherever you'd like, e.g:
interaction.followUp({ files: [buffer] });

🖼️ Example Results

Default Card



Rank Card

Original discord-arts Options


profileImage('UserID', {
  customBadges: [  './skull.png', './letter.png', './rocket.png', './crown.png', './hearth.png'  ],
  borderColor: '#087996',
  presenceStatus: 'dnd',
  badgesFrame: true,
  rankData: {
    currentXp: 2100,
    requiredXp: 3000,
    rank: 10,
    level: 20,
    barColor: '0b7b95'

Extended discord-arts-zhorde Options


profileImage('UserID', {
  borderColor: "#ff0000",
  presenceStatus: 'offline',
  badgesFrame: true,
  rankData: {
    currentXp: 4562,
    requiredXp: 9302,
    rank: 2100,
    level: 200,
    barColor: "#ff0000",
    // === All of the following were added in discord-arts-zhorde: ===
    levelColor: "#ff0000",
    autoColorRank: true,
    brighterBar: true
  // === All of the following were added in discord-arts-zhorde: ===
  moreBackgroundBlur: true,
  backgroundBrightness: 70,
  customDate: new Date(),

Custom User Card


profileImage('UserID', {
  customBadges: [ './booster.png','./orange.png', './giveaway.png' ],
  overwriteBadges: false,
  usernameColor: '#d9dfef',
  borderColor: ['#f90257', '#043a92'],
  presenceStatus: 'idle',
  squareAvatar: true

Custom Bot Card


profileImage('UserID', {
  customTag: 'Minecraft Bot',
  customBackground: './imgs/axoBackground.png',
  customBadges: [ './booster.png','./orange.png'],
  usernameColor: '#ffbddf',
  borderColor: '#fe6a90',
  presenceStatus: 'online',
  squareAvatar: true,
  badgesFrame: true

⭐ Credits

View original github repository that this was forked from here

discord-arts created by iAsure#0001

discord-arts-zhorde forked and modified by Cannicide#2753


10 months ago


10 months ago