1.1.13 • Published 7 years ago

discord-bot-framework v1.1.13

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Last release
7 years ago



An easy to use framwork for Discord bots, using the discord.js library.


npm install discordjs-bot-framework



Your main bot file

const DFW = require("discordjs-bot-framework");

let TestBot = new DFW.Client({
	author: "your_discord_id_here", //this is used to check if the 	message was sent by the bot creator for ownerOnly commands
	name: "bot_name_here", //your bots username will be set to this when it logs in
	prefix: "$$", //this is used as the prefix for any command your bot will respond to.  The bot will also respont to @mentions followed by command triggers.
	cmddir: require('path').join(__dirname, 'commands'), //this is the directory of your command folder.
	token: "your_token_here", //this is your bots token.  It is used to log in as the client, and hence, should not be shared.
	MentionsTrigger: true //if this is true, @mentions followed by commands will trigger said command.


An example command file

const DBF = require('discordjs-bot-framework');

module.exports = class Hello extends DBF.Command{
             name: "hello", //is pretty much just another trigger, but can be used filter commands.
             triggers: ["hi", "hello"], //any message (excluding prefix) that will trigger this command.
             group: "Misc", //this command will come under this group in the automatic help message.
             ownerOnly : true, //if this command is to be used by the bot creator only.
             description: "sends hello in the channel", //this will show in the help message
             guildOnly : true, //any command that refers to a guild with the discord.js library will crash if it triggered in a dm channel.  This prevents that
	     reqArgs: true, //if your command requires any args after the command, this will add them as msg parameters
	     reqUser: true //if your command requires an @mentioned user, this will find them add them as msg parameters

    run(params = {"msg": msg, "user": user, "args": args}){ //all the code for your command goes in here.
        message.channel.send("Hello" + params.args);

Methods and Properties

(note: all of the methods/properties attatched to client can be called from anything that links to client in the discord.js library)

Client.getArgs(message) : gets any arguments after the command in a message note: if your bot is using MentionsTrigger, you'll definately want to use this

Client.findUser(message) : finds a user based on an @mention or a username note: if your bot is using MentionsTrigger, you'll definately want to use this

Client.Prefix: The bots prefix.

Client.Name : The bots name.

Client.Author[read only] : The authors discord ID, string.

Client.Token[read only] : The clients token used to log in, string.

Client.CommandsDir : The commands directory, string.

Client.getHelp(message) : gets a help message based on your command triggers and descriptions.

Client.Commands : gets an array of commands from the client, array of Commands.

Client.MentionsTrigger : if @mentioning the client, followed by a command will trigger the command. Boolean

Command.run(message) : runs the command (this is done automatically by the framework when one of the triggers is sent in a message.

Command.areYou(string) : check if the command's name or triggers match the string, returns a boolean.

Command.Name: name of the command.

Command.Triggers : an array of the commands triggers.

Command.OwnerOnly : if the command is OwnerOnly, returns boolean.

Command.GuildOnly : If the command is GuildOnly, returns boolean.

Command.Group : The group of the command, string.

Command.Description : The commands description.

Command.Run(message): Execute the command.


Discord.js Discord.js is the node.js library used by this framework that allows interaction with the Discord API

Smooth discord.js - This similar bot framework was used as a reference for some things I was unsure of how to do (like all the module.exports stuff and some "path" and "fs" stuff)