1.0.1 • Published 2 years ago

discord-economy-mongo v1.0.1

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2 years ago

What is 'discord-economy-mongo'

It is a global economy package that allows you to create, delete, edit data for the user and much more

Why discord-economy-mongo?

  • Easy to use
  • Uses mongo databases which are encrypted
  • Provides a global economy system
  • Has a bank system
  • Has a bank limit

Setting up

Here is the basic code to connect to your mongo database

const { setUrl } = require("discord-economy-mongo"); //requireing the package

setUrl("mongodb://localhost/quickmongo"); //The mongo database url

but instead of mongodb://localhost/quickmongo you would provide your actual mongo database url


Examples assume that you have setted up the module as presented in 'Setting Up' section. Following examples assume that your Discord.Client is called client.

Following examples assume that your client.on("message", message is called message.

Following example contains isolated code which you need to integrate in your own command handler.

Following example assumes that you are able to write asynchronous code (use await).

  • Increasing the value of bank limit by a bit each time the author sends a message
const { findUser, createProfile, incBankLimit } = require("discord-economy-mongo");

client.on("message", async (message) => {
  if (!message.guild) return;
  if (message.author.bot) return;

  const randomValue = Math.floor(Math.random() * 9) + 1; // Min 1, Max 10
  const user = await findUser(message.author.id);
  if (!user) return await createProfile(message.author.id); //using this function to create the profile if one dosnt have 1 alredy

  if (user) return await incBankLimit(message.author.id, randomValue); //using the function to inc bank limit
  • Bal command
const {
} = require("discord-economy-mongo");
const Discord = require("discord.js");

//from here starts the actual code
const target = message.mentions.members.first() || message.member;
const user = await findUser(target.id);

if (!user) return message.channel.send("You dont have a profile");

const coins = await getCoinsInWallet(target.id);
const bankCoins = await getCoinsInBank(target.id);
const bankLimit = await getBankLimit(target.id);

const embed = new Discord.MessageEmbed().setTitle("Balance").addFields(
    name: "wallet",
    value: coins,
    name: "bank",
    value: bankCoins + "/" + bankLimit,


Time for you to get creative



setUrl(<dbUrl: string>);

This is used to connect to the database


findUser(<userID: string>);

This is used to find if there is an entry in the db for a certain user


createProfile(<userID: string>);

This is used to create a profile if the user dosnt have one alredy


deleteProfile(<userID: string>)

This is used to delete profile of the user if they have one


getCoinsInWallet(<userID: string>)

This is used to get the value of coins for the target


incCoinsInWallet(<userID: string>, <coins: Number>)

This is used to increase the value of coins for the target


decCoinsInWallet(<userID: string>, <coins: Number>)

This is used to decrease the value of coins for the target


getCoinsInBank(<userID: string>)

This is used to get the value of bank for the target


incCoinsInBank(<userID: string>, <coins: Number>)

This is used to increase the value of bank for the target


decCoinsInBank(<userID: string>, <coins: Number>)

This is used to decrease the value of bank for the target


getBankLimit(<userID: string>)

This is used to get the value of banklimit for the target


incBankLimit(<userID: string>, <value: Number>)

This is used to increase the value of banklimit for the target


decBankLimit(<userID: string>, <value: Number>)

This is used to decrease the value of banklimit for the target

License: MIT