2.0.0 • Published 3 years ago

discord-webhooks-handler v2.0.0

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3 years ago

Discord Webhooks Handler - Better interact with Discord Webhooks API

Why use this?

Discord Webhooks was created and is maintained by a team of developers using Node JS

Has tons of features to help you control your webhooks


Send, edit, delete Webhook messages

Get Info about your webhooks in the easiest way

Supports Basic data structures, Embeds, Allowed Mentions, and more

Example Usage:

const Webhook = require('discord-webhooks');
const webhook = new Webhook('webhook_id', 'webhook_token'); //Or just put the webhook URL as the first parameter

webhook.send('Hey there! This is a webhook message!');

Editing, and Deleting messages:

const Webhook = require('discord-webhooks');
const webhook = new Webhook('webhook_id', 'webhook_token'); //Or just put the webhook URL as the first parameter

webhook.send('This message will be edited in 5 seconds')
.then((m) => {
        m.edit('This message will be deleted in 5 seconds')
            m.delete({timeout: 5000}) //Amount of time for the message to be deleted, can also be set as the first parameter
        }, 5000)

Sending messages with embeds:

const Webhook = require('discord-webhooks');
const webhook = new Webhook('webhook_id', 'webhook_token'); //Or just put the webhook URL as the first parameter

const embed = new webhook.Embed()
.setTitle('This is an embed Title')
.setDescription('This is an embed description')

Now there are multiple ways you could send this embed
Method 1:

webhook.send('Hey! This is the content of the message', embed); //First param: message content, second param: embed

//Method 2:

webhook.send(embed) //Sends only the embed

//Method 3:

webhook.send({content: 'This is the message content', embeds: [embed]}) //Send it as a raw message structure

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