1.0.1 • Published 4 years ago
discord.js-additions v1.0.1
Package to make easier discord bot developpement in Javascript
Getting Started
Using npm
$ npm install discord.js-additions
// ES6
import * as DiscordAdditions from 'discord.js-additions';
// CommonJS
const DiscordAdditions = require('discord.js-additions');
Command Handler
Creating the CommandHandler
const commandHandler = new DiscordAdditions.CommandHandler(client, '!');
// client is your Discord.Client
// '!' is the prefix used for every commands added in this handler
Creating a HandledCommand
const handledCommand = new DiscordAdditions.HandledCommand('hello', hello);
function hello(client, message, args) {
// 'hello' is the name of the command -> The command will be !hello
// hello is callback function (the code executed when the command will be triggered)
Adding the HandledCommand to the CommandHandler
Changing the prefix
// '?' will be the new
Slash Commands
❓ This library is very very similar to the official Discord API so check it out :warning: ApplicationCommand = a created SlashCommand
Creating a Slash command
const slashCommand = new DiscordAdditions.SlashCommand(client, 'hello', 'Say hello'); // Return ApplicationCommand object
// client is your Discord.Client
// 'hello' is name of the command
// 'Say hello' is the description of the command
const option = new DiscordAdditions.SlashCommandOption(6, 'user', 'Wich user you want the bot to say hello');
// Set if option is required
// Set a list of SlashCommandOptionChoice
option.setChoices([choice1, choice2, choice3...]);
// Set a list of SlashCommandOption (only for SUB_COMMAND and SUB_COMMAND_GROUP)
option.setOptions([option1, option2, option3...]);
// Adding the option to the slashCommand
SlashCommandOptionTypes.SUB_COMMAND; // Return 1
SlashCommandOptionTypes.SUB_COMMAND_GROUP; // Return 2
SlashCommandOptionTypes.STRING; // Return 3
SlashCommandOptionTypes.INTEGER; // Return 4
SlashCommandOptionTypes.BOOLEAN; // Return 5
SlashCommandOptionTypes.USER; // Return 6
SlashCommandOptionTypes.CHANNEL; // Return 7
SlashCommandOptionTypes.ROLE; // Return 8
SlashCommandOptionTypes.MENTIONABLE; // Return 9
const choice = new DiscordAdditions.SlashCommandOptionChoice('Hello 1', 'hello_1');
// 'Hello 1' is the name of the choice
// 'hello_1' is the value of the choice
Application Commands
Get an ApplicationCommand
// From a SlashCommand
const applicationCommand = await slashCommand.create();
// From an ApplicationCommand Id
const applicationCommand = await DiscordAdditions.ApplicationCommand.getFromApplicationCommandId(client, '866621370782711838', '865949299509297192');
// client is your Discord.Client
// '866621370782711838' is the ApplicationCommand Id
// ''865949299509297192' is the Guild Id (optional, if the command is a GuildApplicationCommand)
Creating an InviteSketch
const inviteSketch = new DiscordAdditions.InviteSketch(client, channel, 0, 42, false, true);
// client is your Discord.Client
// channel is your GuildChannel (where you want the invite to be created)
// 0 (optional), is the maxAge (in seconds) 0 = Never. Value must be between 0 and 604800
// 42 (optional), is the maxUses. Value must be between 0 and 100;
// false (optional) whether this invite only grants temporary membership
// true (optional) if true, don't try to reuse a similar invite
Setting an activity
// '755600276941176913' the applicationId
// or you can use this enum : ActivitiesApplicationId
ActivitiesApplicationId.POKER_NIGHT; // Return '755827207812677713'
ActivitiesApplicationId.BETRAYAL_IO; // Return '773336526917861400'
ActivitiesApplicationId.YOUTUBE_TOGETHER; // Return '755600276941176913'
ActivitiesApplicationId.FISHINGTON_IO; // Return '814288819477020702'
ActivitiesApplicationId.CHESS_IN_THE_PARK; // Return '832012774040141894'
Creating an Invite
const invite = await inviteSketch.create();
// console.log(invite.code);
Dynamic Timestamps
Creating the timestamp
const dynamicTimestamp = new DiscordAdditions.DynamicTimestamp(new Date(), 'R');
Once you created the Dynamic Timestamp you can use it in any message with the toString()
Changing the date
// From a date
dynamicTimestamp.setDate(new Date());
// From an unix timestamp
Changing the display style
// With the letter
// With the provided enum
❓ See more on the official Discord Documentation
// Return the timestamp as a string usable in a message
// Example
client.on('ready', () => {
console.log('Bot online');
client.channels.cache.get(logChannelId).send(`Bot online!\nMessage sended ${dynamicTimestamp.toString()}`);
Result :
DynamicTimestampStyles.SHORT_TIME; // Return 't'
DynamicTimestampStyles.LONG_TIME; // Return 'T'
DynamicTimestampStyles.SHORT_DATE; // Return 'd'
DynamicTimestampStyles.LONG_DATE; // Return 'D'
DynamicTimestampStyles.SHORT_DATE_TIME; // Return 'f'
DynamicTimestampStyles.LONG_DATE_TIME; // Return 'F'
DynamicTimestampStyles.RELATIVE_TIME; // Return 'R'
If you see any error here feel free to open an issue
- Add an EventHandler
- Add an SlashCommandHandler
- Add support for MessageComponents