1.1.1 • Published 5 months ago

discord.js-managers v1.1.1

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5 months ago



A package to synchronize your bot's commands and events and managing interactions

  • Quickly registers new Commands
  • Auto deletes deleted Commands
  • Managing Interactions
  • Managing events


Instaling discord.js-managers

npm i discord.js-managers

Example Usage

  • Create a main file

index.js (example)

import { Client, GatewayIntentBits } from 'discord.js'
import Handler from "discord.js-managers"

const client = new Client({ intents: [GatewayIntentBits.Guilds] })
const handler = new Handler({ 
    client: client,
    commandsFolder: "commandsFolder",
    eventsFolder: "eventsFolder",
    consoleLogging: true, 
    checkUpdate: true 


  • Create a command folder with the name you entered in the commandsFolder property
  • Create a event folder with the name you entered in the eventsFolder property

Add Command

  • Create a javascript file in the your commandsFolder
  • Fill in name, description [Only chatInput] and execute [function] as forced in
export default {
	name: "test",
	description: "Test Command",
	execute(client, interaction, options) {
		interaction.reply("Test successful")
export default {
	type: 1,
	name: "test",
	description: "Test Command",
	cooldown: 5,
	guild: 895139517651258664,
	options: [
			type: 3,
			name: "test_option",
			description: "Test",
			autocomplete: true
	permissions: [
	execute(client, interaction, options) {
		const component = {
			type: 1, // ActionRow
			components: [
					type: 2, // Button
					customId: "test.button",
					label: "Pong!",
					style: 1
		interaction.reply({ components: [component] }).then(() => {
			interaction.followUp(`option: ${options.getString("test_option")}`)
	componentInteraction(client, interaction, customId) {
		if (customId == "button") {
			const modal = {
			title: "Test Modal",
			customId: "test.modal",
			components: [
					type: 1,
					components: [
							type: 4,
							customId: "test",
							label: "Test Modal",
							style: 1,
							placeholder: "Test"
	autocompleteInteraction(client, interaction, focused) {
					name: "test",
					value: "test"
	modalInteraction(client, interaction, customId) {
		interaction.reply("Modal triggered!")

Add Event

  • Make the name of the javascript file the name of the event you want to add img1
  • First export the client and then the objects to be rendered with the default
export default (client, role) => { ··· }

Handling Components

  • First, let's create a sample component.
  • To handle interactions, prefix the customId property with the name of the command as in the example.
const component = {
	type: 1,
	components: [
			type: 2,
			customId: "ping.button",
			label: "Pong!",
			style: 1
  • Then create a function called componentInteraction inside the command file and send client, interaction and customId arguments from the function.
  • Enter the codes you want to run when the component inside the function is triggered
export default {
	name: 'ping',
	description: 'Replies with Pong',
	execute(client, interaction, options) {
		const component = {
			type: 1, // ActionRow
			components: [
					type: 2, // Button
					customId: "ping.button",
					label: "Pong!",
					style: 1
		interaction.reply({ components: [component] })
	componentInteraction(client, interaction, customId) {
		interaction.reply("Component triggered!")
  • If you have more than one component, you can check it customId (Do not write the command name where it starts).
export default {
	name: 'ping',
	description: 'Replies with Pong',
	execute(client, interaction, options) {
		const component = {
			type: 1, // ActionRow
			components: [
					type: 2, // Button
					customId: "ping.button",
					label: "Pong!",
					style: 1
		interaction.reply({ components: [component] })
	componentInteraction(client, interaction, customId) {
		if (customId == "button") {
			interaction.reply("Component triggered!")

Handling Autocomplete

  • First, let's create a sample autocomplete.
export default {
	name: 'ping',
	description: 'Replies with Pong',
	options: [
			name: "test",
			description: "Test autocomplate option",
			type: 3,
			autocomplete: true,
			required: true
	execute(client, interaction, options) {
  • Then create a function called autocompleteInteraction inside the command file and send client, interaction and focused arguments from the function.
export default {
	name: 'ping',
	description: 'Replies with Pong',
	options: [
			name: "test",
			description: "Test autocomplate option",
			type: 3,
			autocomplete: true,
			required: true
	execute(client, interaction, options) {
	autocompleteInteraction(client, interaction, focused) {
					name: "test",
					value: "test"
  • Each time autocomplete is called the function will run and the focused value will be returned.
export default {
	name: 'ping',
	description: 'Replies with Pong',
	options: [
			name: "test",
			description: "Test autocomplate option",
			type: 3,
			autocomplete: true,
			required: true
	execute(client, interaction, options) {
	autocompleteInteraction(client, interaction, focused) {

Handling Modals

  • First, let's create a sample modal.
  • To handle interactions, prefix the customId property with the name of the command as in the example.
export default {
	name: 'ping',
	description: 'Replies with Pong',
	execute(client, interaction, options) {
		const modal = {
			title: "Test Modal",
			customId: "ping.modal",
			components: [
					type: 1,
					components: [
							type: 4,
							customId: "test",
							label: "Test Modal",
							style: 1,
							placeholder: "Test"
  • Then create a function called modalInteraction inside the command file and send client, interaction and customId arguments from the function.
  • Enter the codes you want to run when the modal inside the function is triggered
export default {
	name: 'ping',
	description: 'Replies with Pong',
	execute(client, interaction, options) {
		const modal = {
			title: "Test Modal",
			customId: "ping.modal",
			components: [
					type: 1,
					components: [
							type: 4,
							customId: "test",
							label: "Test Modal",
							style: 1,
							placeholder: "Test"
	modalInteraction(client, interaction, customId) {
		interaction.reply("Modal triggered!")
  • If you have more than one modal, you can check it customId (Do not write the command name where it starts).
export default {
	name: 'ping',
	description: 'Replies with Pong',
	execute(client, interaction, options) {
		const modal = {
			title: "Test Modal",
			customId: "ping.modal",
			components: [
					type: 1,
					components: [
							type: 4,
							customId: "test",
							label: "Test Modal",
							style: 1,
							placeholder: "Test"
	modalInteraction(client, interaction, customId) {
		if (customId == "modal") {
			interaction.reply("Modal triggered!")

Command Functions

\.commands.create({ type, name, ... })

  • You can create new commands from within the file you want
  • Forced parameters; name, description [only for chatInput commands], execute [function]
  • Optionally parameters; type, cooldown, guild, permissions, options, componentInteraction [function], autocompleteInteraction [function], modalInteraction [function]
  //type: 1,
	name: "test",
	description: "Test Command",
  //cooldown: 5,
  //guild: 895···42,
  //options: [ ··· ],
  //permissions: [ ··· ],
	execute(client, interaction, options) {
  //componentInteraction(client, interaction, customId) { ··· },
  //autocompleteInteraction(client, interaction, focused) { ··· },
  //modalInteraction(client, interaction, customId) { ··· }

\.commands.get(commandName, callback() => {})

  • Get information of the command with the name of your command
  • Returns the information of the promise command or you can use the callback
<handler>.commands.get("test", command => {

// or
<handler>.commands.get("test").then(command => {

// Console Output:
	name: "test",
	description: "Test Command",
	execute: [Function: execute]

\.commands.has(commandName, callback() => {})

  • Checks whether your command exists with the name you entered.
  • returns promise boolean or you can use the callback
<handler>.commands.has("test", command => {

// or
<handler>.commands.has("test").then(command => {

// Console Output:

\.commands.delete(commandName, callback() => {})

  • Deletes of the command with the name of your command
  • Returns the information of the promise command or you can use the callback
<handler>.commands.delete("test", command => {

// or
<handler>.commands.delete("test").then(command => {

// Console Output:
	name: "test",
	description: "Test Command",
	execute: [Function: execute]

Event Functions

\.events.create(event, eventListener function)

  • You can create new events from within the file you want
  • Forced parameters; event, eventListener [function]
<handler>.events.create("roleCreate", (role) => { ··· })

\.events.get(event, callback() => {})

  • Get event's function with the name of your event
  • Returns the function of the promise event function or you can use the callback
<handler>.events.get("ready", eventFunc => {

// or
<handler>.events.get("ready").then(eventFunc => {

// Console Output:
(client) => { ··· }

\.events.has(event, callback() => {})

  • Checks whether your event exists with the name you entered.
  • returns promise boolean or you can use the callback
<handler>.events.has("ready", isEvent => {

// or
<handler>.events.has("ready").then(isEvent => {

// Console Output:


  • Deletes of the event with the name of your event


All information about the license is in the LICENSE file.