1.5.0 • Published 3 years ago

discortics.db v1.5.0

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Last release
3 years ago


Discord Version License

Support: discord.gg/buHBCtE | NPM: npmjs.com/discortics.db

Discortics.db is a mongodb wrapper of Quick.db which is used to provide database support to Discortics, a Discord Bot, now public. This package is meant to provide an easy way for beginners and people of all levels to access & store data in mongodb environment. All data is stored persistently, you can either use mongodb cloud database or the local mongodb database.

  • Persistent Storage - Data doesn't disappear on restarts.
  • Compactible with Both Local/Cloud Database - You can pass the mongodb localhost database link/cloud database link.
  • Easy to use - This package is Beginner Friendly, provides easier approach to mongodb in storing the data.
  • More Features - Regularly maintained & includes options to even delete/format your table.


The recommended way to get started using the Node.js is by using the npm (Node Package Manager) to install the dependency in your project.

npm install discortics.db --save

This will download the Discortics.db module & add a dependency entry in your package.json file.


const db = require('discortics.db');

async function run() {
    // Initialise && Connect to your database.
    await db.connect("YOUR_MONGDB_URL_WITH_DATABASE_NAME"); // You only need to initialise once. Add this code line in your main file (onReady Function if you're using in a discord bot)

    //Selecting your Table. Creates if it doesn't exist yet.
    var table = await new db.table('rpg'); //Required

    //The rest is as same as in Quick.db, but returns a promise.

    // Setting an object in the database:
    await table.set('userInfo', { difficulty: 'Easy' })
    // -> { difficulty: 'Easy' }

   // Pushing an element to an array (that doesn't exist yet) in an object:
   await table.push('userInfo.items', 'Sword')
   // -> { difficulty: 'Easy', items: ['Sword'] }

   // Adding to a number (that doesn't exist yet) in an object:
   await table.add('userInfo.balance', 500)
   // -> { difficulty: 'Easy', items: ['Sword'], balance: 500 }

   // Repeating previous examples:
   await table.push('userInfo.items', 'Watch')
   // -> { difficulty: 'Easy', items: ['Sword', 'Watch'], balance: 500 }
   await table.add('userInfo.balance', 500)
   // -> { difficulty: 'Easy', items: ['Sword', 'Watch'], balance: 1000 }

   // Fetching individual properties
   await table.get('userInfo.balance') // -> 1000
   await table.get('userInfo.items') // ['Sword', 'Watch']



All functions are asynchronous. Therefore it returns a promise. Learn about async/await HERE

await .connect(url)

This is a required step to initialise your database. You only need to run this once, so add it in your main file.

var db = require('discortics.db');
await db.connect(url) //You can use either the cloud database URL or the localhost URL
console.log("Connected to Database");

await new .table(name)

This fetches the name with the passed table name. If not found, the table is created. The name is case-sensitive. This is required before running any of the below functions

var economy = await new db.table('economy')
await economy.set('myBalance', 500) // -> true
var bal =  await economy.get('myBalance')
console.log(bal) // -> 500
 bal = await db.get('myBalance')
console.log(bal) // -> null

await .add(key, number)

This function adds a number to a key in the database. (If no existing number, it will add to 0)

await economy.add('myBalance',250)
bal = await economy.get('myBalance')
console.log(bal) // -> 250

Also allows for accessing properties using dot notation

bal = await economy.get('myUser')
console.log(bal) // -> { guild: null, balance: 500 }

await economy.add('myUser.balance', 250)
bal = await economy.get('myUser')
console.log(bal) // -> { guild: null, balance: 750 }

await .subtract(key, number)

This function subtracts a number to a key in the database. (If no existing number, it will add to 0)

await economy.subtract('myBalance',250)
bal = await economy.get('myBalance')
console.log(bal) // -> 250

Also allows for accessing properties using dot notation

bal = await economy.get('myUser')
console.log(bal) // -> { guild: null, balance: 750 }

await economy.subtract('myUser.balance', 250)
bal = await economy.get('myUser')
console.log(bal) // -> { guild: null, balance: 500 }

await .get(key)

This function results the data which relates to the passed key from the database.

await economy.set('myData', 'Hello World!')

var fetch = await economy.get('myData')
console.log(fetch)// -> 'Hello World!'

Also allows for accessing properties using dot notation

await economy.set('myUser', { guild: 'Discortics HQ', balance: 500 })
var fetch = await economy.get('myUser')
console.log(fetch) // -> { guild: 'Discortics HQ', balance: 500 }

await economy.get('myUser.guild') // -> "Discortics HQ"
await economy.get('myUser.balance') // -> 500
await economy.get('myUser.notAProp') // -> undefined

await .set(key,value)

This function sets new data based on a key in the database. (When using dot notation, if the object doesn't exist it'll create one)

await economy.set('myData.text', 'Hello World!') // -> 'Hello World!'
await economy.set('myData', { foo: 'bar' }) // -> { foo: 'bar' }

await .has(key)

This function returns a boolean based on whether an element or property exists.

await economy.set('myData', 'Hello World!')
// -> 'Hello World!'

await economy.has('myData') // -> true
await economy.has('myData.items') // -> false

await .delete(key)

This function deletes the specified key. Returns true/null if it was a success or not.

var fetch = await economy.get('myData')
console.log(fetch) // -> "Hello World!"

await economy.delete('myData')
// true

await .all()

This function returns the entire active table as an object

var fetch = await economy.all()
console.log(fetch) // -> {myData: "Helow World!", myUser: [Object]}

await .push(key, element)

This function will push into an array in the database based on the key. (If no existing array, it will create one)

await economy.set('myItems.weapons', ['Sword', 'Lock'])
// -> ['Sword', 'Lock']

await economy.push('myItems.weapons', 'Dagger')
// -> ['Sword', 'Lock', 'Dagger']

await .drop()

This function deletes the table.

await economy.drop()
// -> true

Environment Migration

This part of the guide helps you to migrate from different database to Discortics.db


This example code helps you transfer data from your quick.db database to discorticd.db mongodb database. But if you dont know/like to work with promises (an extra await will be required in everycase here), its better to use quick.db. But if you want to have an easier online database management, go for transferring data.

const db = require('discortics.db')
var qdb = require('quick.db')
var lisy = [] // <- Enter your quick.db table names in it separated by comma. Example: ['table1', 'table2', 'table3']
async function run() {
    await db.connect("YOUR_MONGODB_URL_WITH_DATABASE_NAME");
    lisy.forEach(async (i) => {
        var table1 = await new db.table(i);
        var table2 = new qdb.table(i);
        var alldata = table2.all();
        alldata.forEach(async (j) => {
            await table1.set(j.ID,j.data)
        console.log("Finished table: "+i)


3 years ago


3 years ago


3 years ago


3 years ago


3 years ago


3 years ago


3 years ago