1.0.0 • Published 4 years ago

dismodular v1.0.0

Weekly downloads
Last release
4 years ago


A wrapper over discord.js for modular discord bots.


Install the module

yarn add dismodular


npm install dismodular

Require the module in your code

const { Bot } = require("dismodular");

Create a new client

const client = new Bot("token", {
  prefix: "!",
  databasePath: "./database.db"
Tip: The client extends the client of Discord.js, so you can write normal discord.js code over it.

Using modules

Install a module to add a feature

yarn add dismodular-join-message

Require the module in your code

const JoinMessage = require("dismodular-join-message");

Start the module

JoinMessage(client, {
  message: "Welcome <@{member_id}> to ***{guild_name}***! Make sure to read the <#649726131922272332>!",
  channelID: "channel_id"

That's all! Start the bot in node and you should get notifications when new members join.

Creating modules

Tip: Every module should have the same or a similar structure.

Make a new file.

touch warn.js

Add a exported function to the file

module.exports = async function(bot, options) {
  // code

Add your listeners or other features in the file

bot.addCommandListener((message, args, command) => {
  // message is a Discord.js message, args is an array of strings and command is a string.
  // code

Done! Now you can publish your file to NPM.