1.0.0 • Published 1 year ago

djs-vidar v1.0.0

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1 year ago


An extremely simplistic method-based slash command handler for Discord.js v14.\ The successor to the powerful elisif framework.


Install Vidar using npm:

npm install djs-vidar

See the docs for full usage information.

Basic Comparison

Most slash command handlers I've encountered are, in my opinion, more complicated than necessary. They usually have either massive nested object literals, or a dozen lines worth of methods (with an individual method for each property of a command) for creating basic commands. I sought to simplify that immensely, so I created a module called elisif (and an extension of it called elisif-simple) for Discord.js v13 that used a basic command syntax to make the process a little simpler. Now, I have created a far simpler syntax system with far more advanced functionality to make the process as simple as it can get, all with support for the latest version of Discord.js v14 -- and djs-vidar is much easier to keep updated than the bloated elisif module.

Here's a comparison between Discord.js' built-in command-building system and Vidar's highly simplified system.\ Here's Discord.js:

module.exports = {
    data: new SlashCommandBuilder()
        .setDescription('Sends a random gif!')
        .addStringOption(option =>
                { name: 'Funny', value: 'Funny' },
                { name: 'Meme', value: 'Meme' },
                { name: 'Movie', value: 'Movie' },
        .addChannelOption(option =>
    execute: i => {
        i.reply('Some gif.');

And here's Vidar:

command("gif", "Sends a random gif!")
.argument("<category: Funny | Meme | Movie> [output: channel]")
.action(i => {
    i.reply("Some gif");

As you can see, Vidar makes command creation much simpler, and does not require exports.


Vidar was created by Cannicide\ Current dependencies: discord.js (v14), discord-api-types (API v10)