1.0.0 • Published 5 months ago

djsbotbuilder v1.0.0

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5 months ago


A Discord bot builder library using discord.js.


  • Easy bot initialization
  • Database interaction
  • Error handling


npm install djsbotbuilder


Project Structure

Your bot project should have the following structure:

|-- /commands
|-- /events
|-- index.js
|-- config.json or .env
  • The /commands directory should contain your command files. Each command should be a js file that exports an object with a data property (a CommandData object) and an execute function.
  • The /events directory should contain your event files. Each event should be a js file that exports an object with a name property (the event name) and an execute function.
  • The index.js file is the entry point for your bot. It should import the Init class from djsbotbuilder and call Init.runBot().


Here's a basic index.js file:

const { Init } = require('djsbotbuilder');



The Init.runBot() method initializes and runs your bot. It does the following:

  1. Gets the configuration from environment variables or a config.json file.
  2. Creates a new Discord client with the necessary intents.
  3. Loads the commands from the commands directory and deploys them to your bot.
  4. Loads the events from the events directory and attaches them to the client.
  5. Logs the bot in with the token from the configuration.

You can pass an options object to Init.runBot() to override the token and directories from the configuration:

  token: 'my-token',
  commandsDir: './my-commands',
  eventsDir: './my-events'



The Init class uses either environment variables or a config.json file for configuration. If a TOKEN environment variable is found, it will use environment variables. Otherwise, it will look for a config.json file in the project root.


runBot(options = {})

Use this method to start the bot. It takes an optional options object as a parameter, which can contain the following properties:

  • token: The bot's token. Use only for troubleshooting purposes. If not provided, the method will use the TOKEN from the configuration.

This method does the following:

  1. It gets the configuration using the getConfig method.
  2. It creates a new Client instance from discord.js with the necessary intents.
  3. It loads the commands using the getCommands method and assigns them to the commands property of the client.
  4. It deploys the commands using the deployCommands method.
  5. It loads the events using the loadEvents method.
  6. It logs the bot in using the provided token or the token from the configuration.


The ErrorHandler class is used to handle errors in your bot. It provides a static method errorEmbed that creates an error embed message.

Sure, here's how you might document the ErrorHandler class in your README.md:

errorEmbed(interaction, errorMessage)

This method takes two parameters:

  • interaction: The interaction that caused the error. This should be a CommandInteraction object from discord.js.
  • errorMessage: The error message to display in the embed.

The method does the following:

  1. If the interaction has a message with an embed, it uses that embed as the base for the error embed. Otherwise, it creates a new embed.
  2. It filters out any fields in the original embed with the name 'Error'.
  3. It creates a new embed with the same properties as the original embed, sets the color to red, adds the filtered fields, and adds a new field with the name 'Error' and the error message as the value.

Here's how you can use the errorEmbed method:

const { ErrorHandler } = require('djsbotbuilder');

// In your command execute function...
try {
    // Your command code...
} catch (error) {
    const errorEmbed = ErrorHandler.errorEmbed(interaction, error.message);
    interaction.reply({ embeds: [errorEmbed] });


The Databases class is used to manage your database configuration, models, and operations. It provides methods to initialize the database, add models, and create models.

Importing the Class

First, you need to import the Databases class into your file:

const Databases = require('djsbotbuilder');

Creating an Instance

Next, create an instance of the Databases class. The constructor accepts an array of model paths:

const databases = new Databases(['./models/User.js', './models/Post.js']);

When you create an instance of the Databases class, you're setting up the necessary components to interact with your database using Sequelize.

Initializing the Database

After creating an instance, you can initialize the database using the init method:


This method is responsible for initializing the Sequelize instance and establishing a connection to the database. It also loads and synchronizes the models with the database.

  1. Sequelize Initialization: The init method initializes Sequelize with the configuration loaded by the DatabaseConfig instance. This includes database credentials and other settings.

  2. Database Connection: After initializing Sequelize, the init method establishes a connection to the database. If the connection is successful, Sequelize is ready to be used for database operations.

  3. Model Loading: The init method also triggers the loading of models by the ModelManager instance. These models represent tables in your database and are used for CRUD operations.

  4. Model Synchronization: Finally, the init method synchronizes the models with the database. This means that Sequelize will create the necessary tables in your database if they don't exist. This behavior can be customized based on your needs.

Remember, the init method should be called after creating an instance of the Databases class and before performing any database operations.

Adding a Model

To add a model to the ModelManager instance, use the addModel method. This method takes a model path as a parameter:


What is a Model?

In the context of Sequelize and this project, a model is a representation of a table in the database. Each model corresponds to a table in the database and defines the structure of the columns (or attributes) within that table. Models are used to perform CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations on their corresponding tables.

How to Add a Model

To add a model, you use the addModel method. This method takes a model path as a parameter. The model path is the relative path to the JavaScript file that defines the model. Here's an example of how to use it:


In this example, Guilds.js is a JavaScript file in the models directory that exports a Sequelize model representing the Guilds table in the database.

example of a model file:

const Sequelize = require('sequelize');
const sequelize = require('../database');

const Guild = sequelize.define('guild', {
    id: {
        type: Sequelize.STRING,
        primaryKey: true,
    welcomeChannelId: {
        type: Sequelize.STRING,
        allowNull: true,
    welcomeRoleId: {
        type: Sequelize.STRING,
        allowNull: true,

module.exports = Guild;


The addModel method in the Databases class is responsible for adding a new model to the ModelManager instance. Here's a high-level overview of what happens when you call this method:

  1. Model Loading: The addModel method loads the model from the provided path using Node's require function. This model is a JavaScript object that defines the structure of a table in the database.

  2. Model Registration: After loading the model, the addModel method adds it to the ModelManager instance. The ModelManager maintains a registry of all loaded models, which can be accessed and used for database operations.

  3. Database Synchronization: Finally, the addModel method synchronizes the newly added model with the database using Sequelize's sync method. This means that if the table represented by the model does not exist in the database, Sequelize will create it.

Remember, the addModel method should be called after initializing the Databases instance and connecting to the database.

Creating a Model

To create a model using the ModelCreator instance, use the createModel method:


Creating a Model with the createModel Method

The createModel method simplifies the process of creating a new Sequelize model. This method prompts the user for input in the terminal to gather the necessary information to create the model.

  1. Model Name: This name is used as the class name for the model and also to name the file that will contain the model definition.

  2. Model Attributes: The method then enters a loop where it continually prompts the user to enter attribute names and types for the model. This continues until the user enters "done" as the attribute name. Each attribute represents a column in the database table that the model will map to.

Once all the necessary information has been gathered, the method generates a string of JavaScript code that defines a Sequelize model with the provided name and attributes. This code is then written to a new file in the models directory.

Remember, the createModel method should be used when you want to create a new model. After creating the model, you can add it to the ModelManager instance using the addModel method.

CRUD Operations


The Databases class also provides methods for CRUD operations. These methods are used to create, read, update, and delete data in the database.



  • discord.js
  • dotenv
  • sequelize
  • esprima
  • estraverse
