0.0.5 • Published 8 years ago

do-things v0.0.5

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Last release
8 years ago


A node module for doing things. do-things provides control flow functions for working with async JavaScript.



Detailed example in example.js

inOrder(things, doIt, handleUpstreamFailure, done)

Executes the doIt functoin for each item in things in the order specified by the shape of things.

When an error occurs, before the done callback is called with the error, handleUpstreamFailure is called for each thing downstream of the failed thing. This allows you to mark series things as failed due to an upstream dependency.


  • things - An array or object containing the things to execute the doIt function on. Nested objects are visited in parallel, while arrays are visisted in series. Arbitrary nesting of arrays and objects is supported.
  • doIt - The function to execute for all things. Parameters to doIt include thingName (the object key for the thing), thing (the provided thing visiting in the things structure), and callback. Calling back with an error will block any downstream series visits (see handleUpstreamFailure) and done with the error. Any things visited in a parallel control flow will still be visited.
  • handleUpstreamFailure - When an error is calledback from an upstream thing, each downstream series thing is visisted with the function instead of doIt. This allows for handling up upstream dependency failures for each thing. It is called with a thingName and the upstream error.
  • done - A callback function called when all things are visited with an error parameter if a visit to a thing has failed. It is called after handleUpstreamFailures for series failures. For parallel failures, it is called with the first failed parallel visit, though other parallel visits may still occur.


var Thing = require('./things.js'); // Some object to operate on

// Nested objects are visited in parallel
var someParallelThings = {
  // Objects in arrays are visited in series
  someSeriesThings: [
    {seriesThing1: new Thing()},
    {seriesThing2: new Thing()},
  parallelThing2: new Thing(),
  parallelThing3: new Thing()
doThings.inOrder(things, doIt, handleUpstreamFailure, done);

function doIt(thingName, thing, callback) {
  // Perform an async operation on a thing and callback optionally with an error

function handleUpstreamFailure(taskName, error) {
  // Handle the upstream error for the given task

function done(err) {
  // Handle completion with or without an error

inParallel(things, doIt, done)

A simple function to execute doIt for all things in parallel. Let's you reuse the object shape used by inOrder without the series/parallel flow control that inOrder provides.


8 years ago


8 years ago


8 years ago


8 years ago


8 years ago