0.2.6 • Published 8 years ago

docker-status v0.2.6

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8 years ago


A tool for logging docker container information.


npm install -g docker-status


This npm package exports a function and provides a cli tool that both produce a configurable cron job. This cron job checks for updates in a docker instance's running containers. When changes occur in the state of the containers, those changes are logged nicely. Using the tools provided by this package is simple.

// Simple js use case: connect to the local docker instance and log changes to the state of the containers
let dockerStatus = require('docker-status')
let job = dockerStatus()

// Same as above except with a defined address
let dockerStatus = require('docker-status')
let job = dockerStatus({ docker: { host: <host>, port: <port> } })

// how to start and end the job
# Simple bash example

# Defined docker address
docker-status --host <host> --port <port>


Below is the form config objects passed to the module should take

  docker: Object,     // dockerode options object
  cron: Object,       // cron options object
  file: String,       // file to save logs in
  colored: Boolean    // colored output in file
  existing: Boolean   // log out existing containers upon start up

All values are optional. For more information on the dockerode or cron options please visit the respective dockerode or cron repositories'.

  • To also store output in a file, set file to the path of that file, absolute or relative. Note this will append to, not overwrite, said file, creating it if needed.

  • To allow colored output when outputting to file, set colored to true.

  • To log existing containers upon startup, set existing to true.

Here is a view of the cli tool options with descriptions:

Usage: docker-status [options]

  -h           Show help                                               [boolean]
  --protocol   docker protocol (http or https)
  --host       docker host ip
  --port       docker port
  --ca         docker certificate authority (ca) file path
  --cert       docker TLS certificate file path
  --key        docker TLS key file path
  --cronTime   the time to fire off your job. this can be in the form of cron
               syntax. http://crontab.org/
  --timeZone   specify the timezone for the execution
  --runOnInit  immediately check the status of the docker containers
  --existing   log the existing containers upon start up
  --file       the path of the file to save output to
  --colored    colored output in file, per ANSI escape codes


let dockerStatus = require('docker-status')
let job = dockerStatus({
  docker: { host: <host>, port: <port> },
  cron: { cronTime: '*/10 * 8-20 * * 1-5', onTick: function (containers, updates) { ... } },
  file: 'docker-status.log',
  colored: true


The above instance will log changes to the containers specified at <host>:<port> on weekdays from 8am to 8pm at 10 second intervals. The function specified at cron.onTick in the options object will be called with the list of current container data and list of updates. The file, 'docker-status.log', will be appended with all logs, colored per ANSI escape codes. The initial state of the containers will not be logged, because existing was not set to true. When a container's state changes, updates to that container will be logged.

Here's a simple example of this package at work from the command line (without color, sadly).

$ node bin/docker-status.js --existing
-- updates: Sun Oct 16 2016 17:57:34 GMT-0600 (MDT) --
  { Id: '54784f0d0ffa8c36010d90066d46517c377ed16f0e81e87ee4a2e25c21a0bc14',
    Names: [ '/mymongo' ],
    Image: 'mongo',
    ImageID: 'sha256:282fd552add6aa67509775e68e32aeabb2ea88726299367d49e36847c65833b4',
    Command: '/entrypoint.sh mongod',
    Created: 1466477477,
     [ { IP: '',
         PrivatePort: 27017,
         PublicPort: 27017,
         Type: 'tcp' } ],
    Labels: {},
    State: 'running',
    Status: 'Up About an hour',
    HostConfig: { NetworkMode: 'default' },
     { Networks: 
        { bridge: 
           { IPAMConfig: null,
             Links: null,
             Aliases: null,
             NetworkID: 'eb2d846e772d8492810890bdd93093b375079e8b52514590147353293566b353',
             EndpointID: '263cdcb973267f92d40919d732d53383c9525821bec8c7f7c61a15e6003a2945',
             Gateway: '',
             IPAddress: '',
             IPPrefixLen: 16,
             IPv6Gateway: '',
             GlobalIPv6Address: '',
             GlobalIPv6PrefixLen: 0,
             MacAddress: '01:23:ab:45:67:89' } } },
     [ { Name: 'dd5e389f4e7d44526d549e743835e86f3272233b134a5d0a8cf022406b45467e',
         Source: '/var/lib/docker/volumes/dd5e389f4e7d44526d549e743835e86f3272233b134a5d0a8cf022406b45467e/_data',
         Destination: '/data/configdb',
         Driver: 'local',
         Mode: '',
         RW: true,
         Propagation: '' },
       { Source: '/home/dude/db',
         Destination: '/data/db',
         Mode: '',
         RW: true,
         Propagation: 'rprivate' } ] }
-- updates: Sun Oct 16 2016 17:57:50 GMT-0600 (MDT) --
  { Id: '033299d3306a0d7472c454369e3e102c56d946393831cc3c130e77008862e277',
    Names: [ '/hello' ],
    Image: 'hello-world',
    ImageID: 'sha256:c54a2cc56cbb2f04003c1cd4507e118af7c0d340fe7e2720f70976c4b75237dc',
    Command: '/hello',
    Created: 1476662269,
    Ports: [],
    Labels: {},
    State: 'running',
    Status: 'Up Less than a second',
    HostConfig: { NetworkMode: 'default' },
     { Networks: 
        { bridge: 
           { IPAMConfig: null,
             Links: null,
             Aliases: null,
             NetworkID: 'eb2d846e772d8492810890bdd93093b375079e8b52514590147353293566b353',
             EndpointID: 'c6f113e6074f40518bdbfaea92e82e6a9aef6b977a602ecbe2f174763f301810',
             Gateway: '',
             IPAddress: '',
             IPPrefixLen: 16,
             IPv6Gateway: '',
             GlobalIPv6Address: '',
             GlobalIPv6PrefixLen: 0,
             MacAddress: '01:23:ab:45:67:89' } } },
    Mounts: [] }
-- updates: Sun Oct 16 2016 17:57:50 GMT-0600 (MDT) --
diffs to 033299d3306a0d7472c454369e3e102c56d946393831cc3c130e77008862e277
  State: running -> exited
  Status: Up Less than a second -> Exited (0) Less than a second ago
-- updates: Sun Oct 16 2016 17:57:58 GMT-0600 (MDT) --
  { Id: '033299d3306a0d7472c454369e3e102c56d946393831cc3c130e77008862e277',
    Names: [ '/hello' ],
    Image: 'hello-world',
    ImageID: 'sha256:c54a2cc56cbb2f04003c1cd4507e118af7c0d340fe7e2720f70976c4b75237dc',
    Command: '/hello',
    Created: 1476662269,
    Ports: [],
    Labels: {},
    State: 'exited',
    Status: 'Exited (0) 7 seconds ago',
    HostConfig: { NetworkMode: 'default' },
     { Networks: 
        { bridge: 
           { IPAMConfig: null,
             Links: null,
             Aliases: null,
             NetworkID: 'eb2d846e772d8492810890bdd93093b375079e8b52514590147353293566b353',
             EndpointID: '',
             Gateway: '',
             IPAddress: '',
             IPPrefixLen: 0,
             IPv6Gateway: '',
             GlobalIPv6Address: '',
             GlobalIPv6PrefixLen: 0,
             MacAddress: '' } } },
    Mounts: [] }

8 years ago


8 years ago


8 years ago


8 years ago


8 years ago


8 years ago


8 years ago


8 years ago


8 years ago


8 years ago