1.1.0 • Published 6 years ago
docker-visualizer v1.1.0
This package helps you visualize docker-compose files in as a simple graph. Docker-visualizer offers both node implementation and CLI.
npm install docker-visualizer
For CLI access install globally
npm install docker-visualizer -g
Package uses "graphviz" as a tool to visualize the parsed docker-compose file.
For Linux users:
sudo apt install graphviz
For Windows users:
- Go to Graphviz download page:
- install zip file and run installer.
** you might need to restart computer
After installing globally you can use the command line
1. Go to the docker-compose.yml directory
2. run: dockervis build <output-path>
Examples for advanced commands:
dockervis build ../../outputPath -n customFileName -c
- -n or --name will change the default name given to the output file
- -c or --custom will keep the puml created alongside program for further customization.
const dockervis = require('docker-visualizer')
dockervis.visualize(file, output, customName?, keepPumlFile?).then(res => {
// res will be given after PNG file was created
Output path to file is mandatory, customName is optional. KeepPumlfile option keeps raw PUML generated from docker-compose.yml, helpful for further customization ** for working with PUML files in your IDE, you should install PlantUML plugin