0.7.0 • Published 9 years ago
docrouter v0.7.0
Express router wrapper which exposes a formatted description of the available services of a server. The documentation is available is multiple formats (Html, Wadl, Json).
The usage mimics the regular router's behavior.
Retrieving the documentation
Two options:
- !! (GET http://myservice.mydomain.com/!!)
- OPTIONS (OPTIONS http://myservice.mydomain.com/)
Supported outputs
- JSON (Accept: application/json)
- WADL (Accept: text/xml)
- HTML (Accept: text/html)
docRouter follows the RestDoc spec (https://github.com/RestDoc), RestDoc is a live spec so please expect changes over time.
var docRouter = require('docrouter').docRouter;
var app = express();
var router = express.Router();
docRouter(router, "http://myservice.mydomain.com");
router.get('/:app', handleGetApp,
id: "GetApp",
doc: "Gets the app",
params: {
app: {
style: "template",
type: "string",
required: true
router.post('/:app', handleAddApp,
id: "UpdateApp",
doc: "Updates the app",
params: {
app: {
style: "template",
type: "string",
required: true
app.use('/', router);
- xmlbuilder-js by oozcitak.
- jade by visionmedia.
- connect by senchalabs.