1.1.1 • Published 6 years ago

docsify-include-template v1.1.1

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Last release
6 years ago

Docsify include template

Docsify plugin. It loads variables from json file specified.

MIT License


Put below script into index.html.

<script src="//unpkg.com/docsify-include-template/dist/docsify-include-template.js"></script>


Basic usage

This plugin will replace %[{ filename }]% with the contents of the specified file.

If your directory is like below and you want to include template.md and hoge.md into README.md,

├── index.html
├── README.md
├── template.md
├── templates
│   └── hoge.md
└── .nojekyll

the, you can write like below.


%[{ template.md }]%

%[{ templates/hoge.md }]%

* Please note that filename must include extension. e.g. template.md.

Docsify ignore

If you don't want to add subheaders witch are in template file, you can tell it to this plugin.

%[{ template.md:ignore }]%

This plugin will append {docsify-ignore} to the headers which are in the template file.

Advanced usage

You can pass variables to template file.

Full syntax in a file which includes template files is like this.

<!-- f:filename -->
<!-- o:ignore -->
<!-- v:s:variablaname -->
Something you need
<!-- v:e:variablaname -->
  • <!-- f:filename -->
    • This is required
    • It specifies the filename. filename must include extension. e.g. template.md.
  • <!-- o:ignore -->
    • This is optional
    • If you put this, this plugin will add {docsify-ignore} to the headers which are in the template file.
  • <!-- v:s:variablaname --> <!-- v:e:variablaname -->
    • Set of these comments is required, at least one set
    • v:s represents the starting point of the variable
    • v:e represents the end point of the variable
    • You can put any markdown syntax between v:s and v:e, and it will be inserted into the template file
    • variablename should not be duplicated within one %[{ }]

In template file, you can write <!-- v:variablename --> and it will be replaced by the variable.


If your README.md file which includes template file is like below,


<!-- f:template.md -->
<!-- o:ignore -->
<!-- v:s:hoge -->
This part will be inserted into `template.md` file.  
You can use any markdown syntax.  
<!-- v:e:hoge -->
<!-- v:s:piyo -->
- piyo
- piyopiyo
- **piyo!**
<!-- v:e:piyo -->

And your template file is like below,

## Hoge

<!-- v:hoge -->

## Piyo

<!-- v:piyo -->

Then, README.md will be like this.


## Hoge {docsify-ignore}

This part will be inserted into `template.md` file.  
You can use any markdown syntax.

## Piyo {docsify-ignore}

- piyo
- piyopiyo
- **piyo!**