1.0.2 • Published 6 years ago

doku-api v1.0.2

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Last release
6 years ago

About DOKU

As a payment gateway, DOKU enables you to accept a wide range of different payment methods.


npm install doku-api


You must have a merchant account on DOKU, as you can only get your keys (Merchant ID and Shared Key) after registering.

Register here: https://merchant.doku.com/acc/register


After including the library, you can use init() function to set your keys. The API's base URL can also be set depending on NODE_ENV environment variable ('production' or 'development'), or by using setURL()

const DOKU = require('doku-api');

DOKU.setURL('http://staging.doku.com/api/payment'); //NOTE: No trailing slashes!

The usage of this library is similar to how it is originally used with PHP. Though, some function names are different, such as doCreateWords() became getWords().

All payment functions (doPayment(), doPrepayment(), doDirectPayment(), getPaycode()) returns a Promise. So, you can use them with async/await.

You might want to also include a package for hashing, and install a date time library like moment to help you enter the required data.


Below is an example usage with ExpressJS for credit card payment using async/await

const DOKU = require('doku-api');
const crypto = require('crypto');
const moment = require('moment');

router.post('/handle-cc', async function (req, res, next) {
    try {
        let basket = req.body.basket || req.query.basket;

        let words = DOKU.getWords({
            amount: Number(basket.reduce((ac, item) => ac + item.amount), 0).toFixed(2),
            invoice: req.body['doku_invoice_no'],
            currency: '360',
            pairing_code: req.body['doku_pairing_code'],
            token: req.body['doku_token']

        let customer = {
            name: '<FULL_NAME>',
            data_email: '<EMAIL_ADDRESS>',
            data_phone: '<PHONE_NUM>' || '-',
            data_address: '<USER_ADDRESS>' || '-'

        let date = moment().format('YYYYMMDDHHmmss').toString(); //Requires MomentJS

        let paymentData = {
            req_mall_id: req.body['doku_mall_id'],
            req_chain_merchant: 'NA',
            req_amount: Number(basket.reduce((ac, item) => ac + item.amount), 0).toFixed(2),
            req_words: words,
            req_purchase_amount: Number(basket.reduce((ac, item) => ac + item.amount), 0).toFixed(2),
            req_trans_id_merchant: req.body['doku_invoice_no'],
            req_request_date_time: date,
            req_currency: '360',
            req_purchase_currency: '360',
            req_session_id: crypto.createHash('sha1').update(date).digest('hex'),
            req_name: customer.name,
            req_payment_channel: 15,
            req_basket: mappedBasket,
            req_mobile_phone: customer.data_phone,
            req_address: customer.data_address,
            req_email: customer.data_email,
            req_token_id: req.body['doku_token']

        let result = await DOKU.doPayment(paymentData); //Execute payment

        if (result.res_response_code == '0000') {
            //Payment success, do something (save to db, etc.)
        } else {
            //Handle failure

        result.res_show_doku_page = 1;
        return res.json(result);
    } catch (err) {
        console.error("PAYMENT ERROR", err);
        return res.status(500).send("PAYMENT ERROR");

Original documentation (in PHP): https://merchant.doku.com/acc/downloads/doc/onecheckoutv2-api/DOKU-API-MERCHANT-v1-10.pdf


6 years ago


6 years ago


6 years ago