0.1.47 • Published 8 years ago

dominic v0.1.47

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Last release
8 years ago


Helper to quickly build up dom in javascript object format

  • v.0.1.42 contains breaking changes. See changelog

Basic feature list:

And here's some code! :+1:

Basic 1:

var root = Dominic.create({
    cls: 'root', // or className: 'root' | cls as alias for className
    parent: document.body,
    width: 300,
    height: 300,
    background: 'darkgreen',
    items: [ // or: children
        // also accept string, number as children, will be converted to text node
        { tag: 'div', width: 50, height: 50, text: 'Intro', display: 'inline-block', background: 'yellowgreen' },
        { tag: 'div', width: 200, background: 'lightgreen',
            items: [
                { tag: 'div', width: 20, height: 20, background: 'red' },
                { tag: 'div', width: 20, height: 20, background: 'orange' },
            created: function(el, root) {
                // el: the div element with background: 'lightgreen' and 2 children 'red' & 'orange'
                // root: the root elemnt directly created by Dominic.create
                // this: = root element
    created: function (el, root) {
        // called when finished every setup
    appended: function () {
        // called when
        // 1. element is root (created by Dominic.create)
        // 2. parent is Node and appended element successfully

alt tag

  • color, backgroundColor, background, display, position, border, transform, opacity, fontSize will be applied directly to element style without the need of putting them in a style object. Same with:
  • width, height, minHeight, maxHeight, minWidth, maxWidth
  • margin, padding, margin and padding + (Top - Left - Right - Bottom) will be converted to proper CSS value if value is number

Basic 2: Function as item & div all the elements

  • Tag name is 'div' by default
var outerScopeDataSource = [
    { name: 'yellow' },
    { name: 'green' },
    { name: 'pink' }
var root = Dominic.create({
    cls: 'root',
    parent: document.body,
    width: 300,
    height: 300,
    background: 'darkgreen',
    items: [
        { width: 50, height: 50, text: 'Intro', display: 'inline-block', background: 'yellowgreen',
            items: [
                function () {
                    return outerScopeDataSource.map(function (data) {
                        return { tag: 'custom-el', text: data.name }
        { width: 200, background: 'lightgreen',
            items: ['color', 'material'].map(function (val) {
                return { text: val }


Basic 3a: Share configs

var root = Dominic.create({
    cls: 'root',
    parent: document.body,
    width: '100%',
    height: '100%',
    defaults: {
        display: 'inline-block',
        height: '100%',
        cls: 'default-class',
        style: {
            verticalAlign: 'top'
    items: [
        { cls: 'sidebar', width: 200, ref: 'sidebar', background: 'lightgreen' },
        { cls: 'main', width: 'calc(100% - 200px)', ref: 'main', background: 'lightblue',
            defaults: {
                background: 'tomato',
                margin: 5,
                height: 50,
                width: 50,
                display: 'inline-block'
            items: [
                { text: 1 },
                { text: 2 },
                [3,4,5,6].map(function (v) { return { text: v } }),
                function () {
                    return [5,6,7,8].map(function (v) { return { text: v } })
        { tag: 'test' }
  • All direct children of root will have display = 'inline-block', height = '100%'
  • Only last child of root will have class = 'default-class'


Basic 3b: Share configs with extra class

xtraCls, xCls: string

var root = Dominic.create({
    cls: 'root',
    parent: document.body,
    width: '100%',
    height: '100%',
    defaults: {
        cls: 'default-class',
    items: [
        { xCls: 'sidebar' },
        { xtraCls: 'main' },
        { tag: 'test' }


Basic 4: Condition if/ hide

var root = Dominic.create({
    className: 'root',
    parent: document.body,
    width: '100%',
    height: '100%',
    defaults: {
        display: 'inline-block',
        height: '100%',
        className: 'default-class',
        style: {
            verticalAlign: 'top'
    items: [
        { cls: 'sidebar', width: 200, ref: 'sidebar', background: 'lightgreen' },
        { cls: 'main',
            width: 'calc(100% - 200px)',
            ref: 'main',
            background: 'lightblue',
            defaults: {
                background: 'tomato',
                margin: 5,
                height: 50,
                width: 50,
                display: 'inline-block'
            items: [
                { text: 'First' },
                { text: 'Second' },
                [3,4,5,6].map(function (v, i) {
                    return { text: 'Value is: ' + v, if: v < 4 }
                function () {
                    return [5,6,7,8].map(function (v) { return { text: v, hide: v > 6 } })



var root = Dominic.create({
    className: 'root',
    id: 'root',
    parent: document.body,
    width: 300,
    height: 300,
    background: 'darkgreen',
    padding: 5,
    attrs: {
        class: 'original',
        dataTooltip: 'halo this is tip',
        'data-id': 5

alt tag

Reference 1

var root = Dominic.create({
    className: 'root',
    parent: document.body,
    width: 300,
    height: 300,
    background: 'darkgreen',
    items: [
        { width: 50, height: 50, text: 'Intro', display: 'inline-block' },
        { width: 200, ref: 'orange', // access by root.refs.orange
            items: [
                { width: 20, height: 20, background: 'red',
                    ref: 'lightgreen' // access by root.refs.lightgreen
                { width: 20, height: 20, background: 'orange',
                    // access by root.refs.orange.refs.orange
                    ref: 'orange', refScope: 'parent'

Reference 2: Direct reference

var root = Dominic.create({
    className: 'root',
    parent: document.body,
    width: 300,
    height: 300,
    background: 'darkgreen',
    items: [
        { width: 50, height: 50, text: 'Intro', display: 'inline-block' },
        { width: 200, ref: 'orange', // access by root.refs.orange
            items: [
                { width: 20, height: 20, background: 'red',
                    ref: 'lightgreen' // access by root.refs.lightgreen
                { width: 20, height: 20, background: 'orange',
                    // access by root['orange-f2']
                    // ref: 'orange', // using ref will get dominic ignore directRef
                    directRef: 'orange-f2'

// example
Dominic.register('input', function(defs) {
    return {
        items: [
            { tag: 'span', text: defs.label },
            { tag: 'input', placeholder: 'Choose name...' }
// usage
var root = Dominic.create({
    cls: 'root', 
    items: [
        // accessed by root.refs.nameInput
        // previously have to define ref in component definitions
        { ctype: 'input', ref: 'nameInput', label: 'Name: ' },
        // accessed by root.nameInput2
        { ctype: 'input', directRef: 'nameInput2', label: 'Name 2: ' }

Events 1:

Reserved keyword for events:

  • Mouse: click mousedown mouseup mouseover mouseout mouseenter mouseleave mousemove
  • Drag: dragstart dragend drag dragover dragenter dragleave drop
  • Focus: blur focus
  • Keyboard: keydown keypress keyup
  • Form: change input submit
  • Touch: touchstart touchmove touchend
  • Scroll: wheel scroll
var root = Dominic.create({
    className: 'root',
    id: 'root',
    parent: document.body,
    width: 300,
    height: 300,
    background: 'darkgreen',
    items: [
        { tag: 'div', width: 50, height: 50, text: 'Intro', display: 'inline-block', background: 'yellowgreen' },
        { tag: 'div', width: 200, background: 'lightgreen',
            items: [
                { tag: 'div', className: 'red', width: 20, height: 20, background: 'red',
                    // normal click handler
                    click: {
                        handler: function (e) {
                            // div.red
                            console.log('This is:', this.localName + '.' + this.className)
                { tag: 'div', className: 'orange', width: 20, height: 20, background: 'orange',
                    click: {
                        // change scope to root element
                        scope: 'root',
                        handler: function (e) {
                            // div.root
                            console.log('This is:', this.localName + '.' + this.className)
                    events: [
                        { type: 'custom:event', handler: function () { 
                            console.log('This is div.orange')
                { tag: 'div', className: 'yellow', width: 20, height: 20, background: 'yellow',
                    click: {
                        scope: 'root',
                        // Will look up for `onClickYellow` on root element
                        // Throw error if not found
                        handler: 'onClickYellow',
                        capture: true
    onClickYellow: function (e) {
        var t = e.target
        // From div.yellow to div.root
        console.log('From ', t.localName + '.' + t.className + ' to ' + this.localName + '.' + this.className)
    events: [
        { type: 'mouseout', handler: function (e) {
            console.log('Out of:', e.target)

Events 2: Delegate

var root = Dominic.create({
    cls: 'root',
    id: 'root',
    parent: document.body,
    width: 300,
    height: 300,
    background: 'darkgreen',
    items: [
        { width: 50, height: 50, text: 'Intro', display: 'inline-block', background: 'yellowgreen' },
        { width: 200, background: 'lightgreen',
            items: [
                { cls: 'child red', width: 20, height: 20, background: 'red' },
                { cls: 'child orange', width: 20, height: 20, background: 'orange' },
                { cls: 'child yellow', width: 20, height: 20, background: 'yellow' }
            click: { scope: 'root', handler: 'onClickLightgreen', delegate: '.child' }
    onClickLightgreen: function (e, match, delegate) {
        // this: scope when register event listener. Default: element has listener
        // e: event object
        // match: element matching delegate
        // delegate: delegate css selector passed when register event listener
        console.log('This is: ' + match.localName + '.' + match.className.replace(' ', '.'))

Events 3: Key code hook

  • Only trigger key event with specified key codes
var root = Dominic.create({
    cls: 'root',
    parent: document.body,
    width: '100%',
    height: '100%',
    defaults: {
        cls: 'default-class',
    items: [
        { xCls: 'sidebar' },
        { xtraCls: 'main' },
        { tag: 'input',
            keydown: { scope: 'root', handler: 'sayHelo', key: 13 }
        { tag: 'input',
            keydown: { scope: 'root', handler: 'onArrowKey', key: [37,38,39,40] }
    sayHelo: function (e) {
        console.log('helo', e.target.value)
    onArrowKey: function (e) {
        console.log('Navigating:', e.keyCode)

Events 4: Event counter, finishCount and validator

// In this example, second input only let user navigate by arrow key if
// user has already 'sayHelo' with a validated name
var root = Dominic.create({
    cls: 'root',
    parent: document.body,
    width: '100%',
    height: '100%',
    defaults: {
        cls: 'default-class',
    items: [
        { xCls: 'sidebar' },
        { xtraCls: 'main' },
        { tag: 'input',
            keydown: { scope: 'root', handler: 'sayHelo', key: 13,
                // count 1 to remove this listener after user say helo
                // to not let user change name
                count: 1,
                // validator's logic
                // * validator will run right before real handler,
                // * return false to stop handler
                // * counter will not decrease if validator returns false
                // * if event is delgated to child, then validator will have same
                //     parameters with handler (event, match, delegate)
                validator: function(e) {
                    return e.target.value
                finishCount: function DoSomethingAfterInputName(e) {
                    // hide input maybe
        { tag: 'input',
            keydown: { scope: 'root', handler: 'onArrowKey', key: [37,38,39,40],
                // check if user is allowed to go by validator
                validator: 'isAllowedToGo'
                // only let user navigate 10 times
                count: 10,
    sayHelo: function (e) {
        this.name = e.target.value
        console.log('helo', e.target.value)
    onArrowKey: function (e) {
        console.log('Navigating:', e.keyCode)
    isAllowedToGo: function() {
        return this.name
// Bigger example to show the purpose of [finishCount] together with [count] and [validator]
var root = Dominic.create({
    cls: 'root',
    parent: document.body,
    point: 0,
    items: [
        { tag: 'input', placeholder: 'Choose a name to start the game...',
            display: 'block',
            width: 300,
            keydown: { scope: 'root', handler: 'sayHelo', key: 13,
                count: 1,
                validator: function(e) {
                    return e.target.value
                // start the game after input name
                finishCount: function hideInput(e) {
                    e.target.style.display = 'none'
                    this.guessInput.disabled = false
        { tag: 'input',
            cls: 'guess-name',
            // use directRef for faster reference
            directRef: 'guessInput',
            placeholder: 'Guess the name 3 times...',
            // dont let user guess when they haven't entered name
            disabled: true
    keydown: {
        delegate: '.guess-name',
        // only execute handler 3 times
        count: 3,
        // put a validator to avoid user mistakenly guess empty name
        // or user haven't submitted a name to start the game
        validator: 'validateGuess',
        // call this on every guess
        handler: 'onGuess',
        // if finished 3 tries, call this
        finishCount: 'gameFinish',
        // only guess when hit enter key
        key: 13
    sayHelo: function (e) {
        this.name = e.target.value
        console.log('helo', e.target.value, '\nLets start')
    validateGuess: function(e, match) {
        // e.target === this.guessInput === match
        return match.value
    onGuess: function(e, match) {
        console.log('Your guess:', match.value)
        var point = match.value === this.name ? 1 : 0
        console.log('You got:', point, 'point')
        this.point += point
        // empty input to guess new round
        match.value = ''
    gameFinish: function(e, match) {
        console.log('----\nFinish.\nYour points:', this.point)
        if (this.point < 3)
            return console.info('Game over. Did you type in the name?')
        console.info('You won!!!')
        // disable to make it look like a game
        match.disabled = true

Template 1a

  1. for: data source
  2. TplFn: function (item, itemIndex)
  • If data source provided is an array, item is record of array and itemIndex is record index
  • If data source provided is an object, item is data object and itemIndex will be undefined
var root = Dominic.create({
    className: 'root',
    id: 'root',
    parent: document.body,
    width: 300,
    height: 300,
    background: 'darkgreen',
    padding: 5,
    items: {
        // data source
        for: [
            { name: 'apple', cost: 0.5 },
            { name: 'mango', cost: 0.5 },
            { name: 'grape', cost: 0.6,
                suppliers: { data: [
                    { name: 'US', time: 5 },
                    { name: 'UK', time: 4 }
        tplFn: function (item, itemIdx) {
            return { tag: 'div', text: item.name, padding: 5, margin: '5px 0 0 5px', background: 'tomato',
                items: {
                    for: item.suppliers,
                    root: 'data', // specify which property to look for data
                    tplFn: function (sup, supIdx) {
                        return { tag: 'div',
                            padding: 5,
                            background: 'lightblue',
                            text: sup.name + '. Time: ' + sup.time + ' days'


Template 1b: Object loop

  • Can also loop through object property if specified with alwaysIterate.
var root = Dominic.create({
    cls: 'root',
    parent: document.body,
    defaults: {
        cls: 'default-class'
    items: [
        { for: { a: 5, b: 6, c: 7},
            observeProp: 'data1',
            alwaysIterate: true,
            // value & key instead value & index
            tplFn: function (v, key) {
                return { text: 'Value is: [' + v + ']. Key is: [' + key + ']' }
        { xCls: 'sidebar' },
        { xtraCls: 'main', items: {
            for: [5,6,7,8],
            observeProp: 'data2',
            tplFn: function (v) { return v }

// change:
root.observe.data1 = { name: 'Dominic', purpose: 'Helper', target: 'quick dom for test' }
root.observe.data2 = [ 'Helo ', 'This ', 'is ', 'a ', 'test ' ]


Template with data change reaction

var src = [
    { name: 'apple', cost: 0.5 },
    { name: 'mango', cost: 0.5 },
    { name: 'grape', cost: 0.6,
        suppliers: { data: [
            { name: 'US', time: 5 },
            { name: 'UK', time: 4 }
var root = Dominic.create({
    className: 'root',
    id: 'root',
    parent: document.body,
    width: 300,
    height: 300,
    background: 'darkgreen',
    padding: 5,
    items: {
        // data source
        for: null,
        // update this when root.observe.data = src
        observeProp: 'data',
        tplFn: function (item, itemIdx) {
            return { tag: 'div', text: item.name, padding: 5, margin: '5px 0 0 5px', background: 'tomato',
                items: {
                    for: item.suppliers,
                    root: 'data', // specify which property to look for data
                    tplFn: function (sup, supIdx) {
                        return {
                            tag: 'div',
                            padding: 5,
                            background: 'lightblue',
                            text: sup.name + '. Time: ' + sup.time + ' days',
                            click: { scope: 'root', handler: 'onClickSupplier' }
    onClickSupplier: function (e) {
        // Do something
    events: [
        { type: 'mouseout', handler: function (e) {
            console.log('Out of:', e.target)

// first change
root.observe.data = src
// add more value
root.observe.push('data', {
    name: 'mangox',
    cost: 0.5,
    suppliers: { data: [
        { name: 'Russia', time: 4 },
        { name: 'China', time: 5 }

All template functions

  • Only work when template data is array
  • Now support multiple templates observing same property
  • APIs:
    1. push (now real push, was previously reset)
    2. insert
    3. remove
    4. pop
    5. shift
    6. unshift
  • Example:
     * @param observeProperty {string}
     * @param data {any}
    root.observe.push(observeProperty, data)
     * If index is absent, insert at the end, same behavior with push
     * @param index? {int}
    root.observe.insert(observeProperty, index, data)
     * @param indexes {int[] | int}
    root.observe.remove(observeProperty, indexes)
     * These following methods have same behavior like in an array
    root.observe.unshift(observeProperty, data)

Component (v.0.1.42)

Basic 1

Dominic.register('input', function Input(defs) {
    return {
        tag: 'label',
        parent: defs.parent,
        display: 'block',
        items: [
            { tag: 'span', items: { tag: 'b', text: 'Label name:' } },
            { tag: 'input', placeholder: 'Choose label name' }

    ctype: 'input',
    parent: document.body


Basic 2

// Define
Dominic.register('input', function Input(defs) {
    return {
        tag: 'label',
        display: 'block',
        items: [
            { tag: 'span', items: { tag: 'b', text: defs.label } },
            { tag: 'input', placeholder: 'Choose label name' }
// Define
Dominic.register('tab', function Tab(defs) {
    var configs = {
        cls: 'd-tab-ct',
        parent: defs.parent,
        items: [
            { cls: 'd-tab-btns',
                defaults: {
                    tag: 'span',
                    display: 'inline-block',
                    height: 22,
                    padding: 4
                items: {
                    for: defs.tabs,
                    observeProp: 'tabs',
                    tplFn: function(tab, i) {
                        return { text: tab.name }
            { cls: 'd-tab-tabs', items: {
                for: defs.tabs,
                observeProp: 'tabs',
                tplFn: function(tab, i) {
                    console.log('tab data is', tab)
                    // Usage
                    return { ctype: 'input', label: 'Tab number ' + i }
    if (defs.created)
        configs.created = defs.created
    if (defs.appended)
        configs.appended = defs.appended
    return configs

    ctype: 'tab',
    parent: document.body,
    tabs: [
        { name: 'Tab 1' },
        { name: 'Tab 2' },
        { name: 'Tab 3' }
    created: function() {
        console.log('finished initiating tab')
    appended: function() {
        console.log('Now in document')



Prototyping some design and testing event/ interaction made a bit more convinient when

  • No dependencies & everything in javascript
  • There are Events & reference & template supports


<script src="dominic.min.js"></script>
npm i dominic


  1. Create new DOM element
 * @param defs {Object} opts options for root element, className, id, children etc... 
 * @return {DOM}
  1. Register a component
 * @param name {string} component name
 * @param fn {Function} function used by dominic to create component. should return an definition object
Dominic.register(name, fn)


  • Have mixed components and normal elements
  • Have data binding/ linking
  • Have diffing when updating in template
  • Have basic layouts: facebook, twitter, pinterest
  • Have basic components: tab, combobox, table




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