1.0.6 • Published 2 years ago
dominicmonares-sdk v1.0.6
The Lord of the Rings SDK
This SDK utilizes The One API and provides methods for easy queries.
npm install dominicmonares-sdk
You will need to create an account with The One API in order to receive an API key. The API key must be stored in your .env file as TOKEN.
Once initialized, you can use all methods through theOne
import theOne from 'dominic_monares-SDK';
const api = theOne(TOKEN);
const book = api.books(params);
is an optional parameter used to define query parameters, based on The One API's documentation
const params = {
limit: Number, // limit results
page: Number, // choose page to query
offset: Number, // choose number of records to be skipped
asc: String, // sort by key in ascending order
desc: String, // sort by key in descending order
match: { criteria: String, value: String }, // select records where criteria (key) matches value
include: { criteria: String, value: String }, // select records where criteria (keys) match values
exclude: { criteria: String, value: String }, // select records where criteria (keys) don't match values
negateMatch: { criteria: String, value: String }, // select records where criteria (key) doesn't match value
regex: { criteria: String, value: Regex }, // select records where regex matches
negateRegex: { criteria: String, value: Regex }, // select records where regex doesn't match
exists: String, // check if key exists
doesntExist: String, // check if key doesn't exist
lessThan: { criteria: String, value: Number }, // select all values less than defined value
lessEqual: { criteria: String, value: Number }, // select all values less than or equal to defined value
greaterThan: { criteria: String, value: Number }, // select all values greater than defined value
greaterEqual: { criteria: String, value: Number } // select all values greater than or equal to defined value
After you've cloned the repo, install all dependencies:
npm install
Once installed, run:
npm test
npm run build