0.0.12 • Published 4 years ago
dottostore v0.0.12
A tiny state manager for React and vanilla JS. (other frameworks in future) point changes
- Lightweight. Less than 485 bytes (minified and gzipped). Zero dependencies.
- Easy but strong. Simple working principe without magic, but with all features from big state managers.
- Deep observable and fast. You can subscribe and follow pinpoint changes without thinking about multiple re-renders.
- Strong plugin system. With plugins, you can enhance your store. Logging, undoing changes, connecting Redux-devtools, and anything else.
- Tree Shakable. All project splited by small modules.
- Very strong TypeScript support.
How it works
import { createStore } from 'dotstorex'
const store = createStore('test', { some: { path: 0 } })
store.listen('some.path', (path, value) => {
// path - some.path
// value - 1,2
store.set('some.path', 1)
store.set('some.path', 2)
store.set('some.path', 'error') // type checks throw error, because 'some.path' most be a number.
4 years ago