0.0.3 • Published 5 years ago

dps-certgen v0.0.3

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5 years ago

Azure IoT x509 Certificate Helper Tool

  • need an easy to use x509 certificate tool ?
  • don't have OpenSSL ?
  • all above ?


node.js version 8+


npm i -g dps-certgen


Azure IoT x509 Cerficate Helper Tool v0.0.1
dps-certgen <args>

--new-config  : creates a new 'certgen.config.json' file (overwrites the existing one)
--new-root-cert : creates a new root certificate that is based on 'certgen.config.json'
--new-leaf-cert <subject> : creates a new certificate and signs it with the root certificate's private key

--is2K : use 2048 bits (not suggested). default 4096 bits

i.e. => dps-certgen --new-root-cert

Sample usage

Create a new X509 root certificate

Create a new certificate configuration file

dps-certgen --new-config

Edit certgen.config.json file on the path.

Create a new x509 certificate / public and private keys

dps-certgen --new-root-cert

Command above will create root-cert.pem, root-public-key.pem, and root-private-key.pem on the path.

Verify a root certificate

If any platform asks you to verify your certificate, it will give you a verification key to do that.

Run the command below on your favorite terminal. Make sure root-cert.pem, root-public-key.pem, and root-private-key.pem are already on the path.

dps-certgen --new-leaf-cert PUT_THAT_VERIFICATION_KEY_HERE

Command above will create subject-cert.pem, subject-public-key.pem, and subject-private-key.pem on the path.

Use subject-cert.pem in order to verify the ownership.

Create a device certificate

Make sure root-cert.pem, root-public-key.pem, and root-private-key.pem are already on the path.

dps-certgen --new-leaf-cert PUT_DEVICE_ID_HERE

Command above will create subject-cert.pem, subject-public-key.pem, and subject-private-key.pem on the path.

Use subject-cert.pem as device certificate and subject-private-key.pem as the private key.


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5 years ago


5 years ago


5 years ago