0.9.0-5 • Published 4 years ago

dr-comp-package v0.9.0-5

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4 years ago

Package and project link toolkit

If heard about Lerna and Yarn's workspace concept, yes this tool is a little bit in the same category.


Web (Node.js) frameworks or libraries like Angular, React, Vue, NestJS, they all come up with command line tools which help developer to initialize web projects, most of them are like scaffolding tool.

'Quick and easy' is how they please developers. but 'Quick and easy' shouldn't mean that a resulting application will suffer from a maintainability, extendibility issue. Especially for enterprise.

A naive scaffolding tool based application is kinda single project application with very limited way to share reusable module, architecture and configuration. Hard to having long term maintainance and hard to benefit future projects,


  • Support monorepo project structure.
  • Share reusable component, features, functions between different projects.
  • Share file structure, configurations between different projects.
  • Easy to upgrade.
  • Opinionated cross framework solutions, web components, libraries, tools.


It is designed to accomplish various web frontend tasks:

  • Command line tool for managing packages, symlinks, CI process.

    • Node package management system (creating, compiling, bumping, publishing packages)
    • Monorepo management (A repository that contains multiple Node packages, scripts for deployment, documentation project etc.)
  • Yaml File and TS file based configuration management system. (Similar to Lerna and Bazel)

  • A Node.js HTTP server runtime

    Express.js based.
  • Monorepo branch management and deployment tool

    managing multiple products and versions in single monorepo

Main purpose is to facilitate our web teams to:

  • Modularize their HTML5 + NodeJS based web and hybrid mobile app products.
  • Unify, share and reuse pluggable components between different products
  • Reuse a lot of predefined HTTP server with a lot of shared fundamental middlewares
  • Work together on a consistent platform

Refer to the offcial doc in Chinese at http://dr-web-house.github.io.


  • Support GraphQL out of the box.
  • Support using Fastify as HTTP server engine.
  • Work with Nest.js services.
  • Support Angular 9.x (Current version only supports Angular 8.x)
  • Migrating command line tool functions to Visual Code extension.
  • Support Knative based and other feasible FAAS solution as a server side function container.

Designed features

  • A Component package (Node package) can contain both Client side code and server side code, even isomorphic code.

  • Be compliant (or work with) to modern web framework's command line tools like Angulr cli and create-react-app.

  • Support developing library package through symlinks, manage monorepo style projects (like what Lerna, Bazel and Yarn do).


  • Unlike Lerna, also supports multirepo.

  • Compiling Typescript file from monorepo source file structure.

  • A share environment configuration system which can be avaible to runtime client side (in browser), compile time server side and Node.js express http server side.

  • Component package can take multiple roles:

    • tooling like Webpack plugin or Angular cli extension
    • client side business logic, server side logic
    • isomorphic logic as shared library which can be run in both sides, if it is needed.


This is a monorepo which contains many tools and packages:

  1. Internal packages under src/internal, which are installed or linked as devDependencies for business projects.

    ng-app-builderCommand line tool extension for Angular cli and Create-react-app
    webpack2-builderWebpack configuration extension in loaders and plugins for legacy React and AngularJS projects
    templateBuilderWebpack loaders for swig templateObsolete
    templateBuilderWebpack loaders for swig templateObsolete
    translate-generatori18n text tool including command line tool and Webpack loader
  2. Runtime packages under src/runtime, which are installed or linked as dependencies for business project.

    assets-processerServe static resource in production or develop environment while CDN is not avaible for some products, also support updating online static resource on-the-fly. Details like setting CORS and proper content cache header in response.
    express-appBasic and common express.js middlewares used among all projects.
    http-serverHTTP and HTTPS server
  3. Tools src/tools

    e2etestHelperend-to-end test library, should be replaced with framework specific tool like ProtractorObsolete
    http-request-proxyA reverse HTTP proxy middleware with API mock function, should be replaced with http-proxy-middleware by Webpack
    prebuildPrebuild scripts for monorepo project deployment, manage Git branches
    json-schema-genGenerate JSON schema file for fast-json-stringify
  • dr-comp-package/wfh \ drcp command line tool for build, publish and run application or packages
  Command format: drcp <command> <options>                                         
drcp -h                                                           to see brief help information.
drcp help <command>                                               to see help for each command.
drcp <command> -h                                                 to see help for each command.
drcp <command> -c <config-name1> <config-name2> ...               to apply proper config yaml files to the processing command.

  drcp init                                  Initialize workspace, generate basic configuration files for project and component
  drcp project [add|remove] [project-dir..]  Associate, disassociate or list associated project folders
  drcp clean [symlink]                       Clean "destDir" and symbolic links from node_modules
  drcp ls                                    If you want to know how many components will actually run, this command prints out a
                                             list and the priorities, including installed components               [aliases: list]
  drcp run <target> [package..]              Run specific exported function of specific packages one by one, in random order
  drcp tsc [package..]                       run typescript compiler
  drcp eol <dir..>                           Convert CRLF to LF from files (before "publish" to NPM registry server).
  drcp lint [package..]                      source code style check
  drcp publish [project-dir..]               npm publish every pakages in source code folder including all mapped recipes
  drcp unpublish [project-dir..]             npm unpublish every pakages in source code folder including all mapped recipes
  drcp pack [project-dir..]                  npm pack every pakage into tarball files
  drcp bump [dir..]                          bump version number of all package.json from specific directories
  drcp test [package..]                      run Jasmine for specific or all packages
  drcp completion                            Adds autocomplete functionality to commands and subcommands             [aliases: ac]

  --version   Show version number                                                                                        [boolean]
  -c          <config-name..> Read config files, if there are multiple files, the latter one overrides previous one        [array]
  --prop      <property-path>=<value as JSON | literal> ...directly set configuration properties, property name is lodash.set()
              path-like string
              --prop port=8080 devMode=false @dr/foobar.api=http://localhost:8080
              --prop port=8080 devMode=false @dr/foobar.api=http://localhost:8080
              --prop arraylike.prop[0]=foobar
              --prop ["@dr/foo.bar","prop",0]=true                                                                         [array]
  --help, -h  Show help                                                                                                  [boolean]

copyright 2016

JSON schema command

Usage: json-schema-gen [options] [...packages]

Scan packages and generate json schema.
You package.json file must contains:
  "dr": {jsonSchema: "<interface files whose path is relative to package directory>"}

  -V, --version                                   output the version number
  -c, --config <config-file>                      Read config files, if there are multiple files, the latter one overrides previous one (default: [])
  --prop <property-path=value as JSON | literal>  <property-path>=<value as JSON | literal> ... directly set configuration properties, property name is lodash.set() path-like string
   (default: [])
  -h, --help                                      display help for command

Prebuild command

Usage: prebuild [options] [command]

Prebuild and deploy static resource to file server and compile node server side TS files

  -V, --version                                          output the version number
  -c, --config <config-file>                             Read config files, if there are multiple files, the latter one overrides previous one (default: [])
  --prop <property-path=value as JSON | literal>         <property-path>=<value as JSON | literal> ... directly set configuration properties, property name is lodash.set() path-like string
   (default: [])
  --secret <credential code>                             credential code for deploy to "prod" environment
  -h, --help                                             display help for command

  deploy [options] <app> [ts-scripts#function-or-shell]
  githash [options]
  send [options] <app-name> <zip-file>                   Send static resource to remote server
  mockzip [options]
  keypair [file-name]                                    Generate a new asymmetric key pair
  ts-ast [options] <ts-file>                             Print Typescript AST structure
  functions <file>                                       List exported functions for *.ts, *.d.ts, *.js file
  listzip <file>                                         List zip file content and size
  help [command]                                         display help for command