1.0.17 • Published 5 years ago

draftable-entity v1.0.17

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5 years ago

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Draftable entity: edit -> save or reset -> get model|diff|draft

Disclaimer: sandbox isn't an example of flawless code, this is just a sandbox.

  • has places where need move code parts to new components.
  • for :key prop using index of element instead of uniq id of iteratable entity
  • ...



yarn add draftable-entity or npm install draftable-entity


Use yarn sandbox:serve after yarn install for serve example vue project at localhost:8050 and see as it works

Draftable Entity instance

  • getters:
getterret typedescription
draftIDraftableModelProxy object with read/write access
modelIDraftableModelProxy object with read access
identityKeyDraftableIdentityKeyId of entity
isNewbooleanWill be true if identityValue hasn't been null and undefined on create entity
identityPayloadDraftableIdentityPayload{{ [identityKey]: identityValue }}
hasIdentityValuebooleanWill be true if identityValue haven't be null and undefined
identityValueChangedbooleanWill be true if identityValue hasn't be change
modelIdentityValueDraftableIdentityValueidentityValue from model
draftIdentityValueDraftableIdentityValueidentityValue from draft
hasDraftbooleanIf draft !== model
isTouchedbooleanIf draft !== model, light check changes, use hasDraft instead of
diffIDraftableModelSame model that model/draft with changed values only
  • methods:
methodsargsret typedescription
saveDraft()---voidSave changes to original model, after model === draft
resetDraft()---voidReset all changes, after model === draft
getChanges()---DraftableEntityChangesReturns array with changes
exactModel()---IDraftableModelReturns original model
exactDraft()---IDraftableModelReturns draft model
exactDiff()---IDraftableModelReturns model with changed values only
  • see ./src/types.ts for more info about args and ret types


*) entity.model and entity.draft is empty Proxy objects:

const model = { someProp: 'someVal' };
const entity = new DraftableEntity(model);

model !== entity.model && model !== entity.draft, but model === entity.model.__source__ && model === entity.draft.__source__ (before edit)

*) (model|draft).__source__ returns original passed (model) and drafted (draft) models, if you really need it, use entity.exactDraft|exactModel methods instead of

*) You can't write smth to entity.(model|draft) directly:

const model = { someProp: 'someVal' };
const entity = new DraftableEntity(model);

entity.draft = { otherDraft: 1 };
entity.model = { otherModel: 1 };

entity.(model|draft) === {}, original model and draft hasn't been changed. Use properties for read/write values:

<!-- some editable component -->
<input v-model="entity.draft.propertyName">
<!-- some readable component -->
<div class="column">{{ entity.model.propertyName }}</div>

*) You can't write to entity.model.smthProp = smthValue, entity.model only for read original values.

*) For better (optionality), renew sub arrays/objects with new values:

toggleGender() {
  const { gender } = this.draft;
  this.draft.gender = { gender: !gender.male, male: !gender.male };


removeFollower({ follower, idx }) {
  const followers = this.draft.followers.slice();
  if (idx) {  
    followers.splice(idx, 1);
    this.draft.followers = followers;

By entity logic, it will be a little faster. But if you using only exact* methods per custom interval tick (as like RxJS/interval) for getting and detecting changes, do as you want.

*) You can't delete|add property from|to entity.(draft|model)

*) If you need to update current entity model, create entity again with new model. Some example:

const model = { smth: 'value' };
const entity = new DraftableEntity(model);

This entity.isNew === true, because entity.model[DraftableEntity.defaultIdentityKey] === undefined

// edit and/or validate entity before post request 

const ret = await http.post('smth/api', entity.exactModel())

ret contains same object that entity but with new adds:

{ [DraftableEntity.defaultIdentityKey]: identityValue }

Recreate entity again:

entity = new DraftableEntity(ret);


Released under the MIT license