0.2.0 • Published 12 years ago

drapper v0.2.0

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Last release
12 years ago


The HTTP part of director with some extra feature build in.


  • bunyan logging
  • request tracking
  • domain integration
  • use streams by default


npm install drapper


var drapper = require('drapper');
var Logger = require('bunyan');

var router = drapper({
    error: funcion (err) {
        // once the close event emits, all I/O will be canceled
        this.res.statusCode = err.statusCode;

        this.log.error({err: err});

    fatal: function (err, handleError) {
        // the error handler failed,
        // lets do something fail-safe (do that exist?)

    logger: new Logger({ name: 'server', stream: process.stdout })

// standart director route
router.get('/hi', function () {
    var self = this;

    fs.readFile('hi.txt', function (err, content) {
        // this module adds an extra error method
        if (err) return self.error(500, err);


// the router object is binded to a HTTP server the usual way

API documentation

The API is almost identical to the director module, but with the following exceptions.

router = drapper(settings)

The constructor function is the only function exposed by the drapper module. Its equal to the director.http.Router constructor but takes a not optional settings object with the following properties:


In case of an error (not found is registred as an error too) this handler will be executed with an Error object.

Any Error object contains a statusCode property, there is automaticly set or manually speficed.


When the error handler fail this handler will work as a fallback. The handler is executed with two arguments, the first is the same as in the error handler, the second is the Error there prevented error from completing.


A bunyan logger object, on each new request a child logger object will be created with req, res and a req_id properties attached to it.

Router methods

In director the this object in a route handler contains a req and res object. When using this module that object is extend with the following properties.

this.error(statusCode, error)

Will execute the error handler with the given error object.

If statusCode was given, its value will be attached to the error object, by setting a statusCode property on it. If statusCode wasn't given the statusCode property will default to 500.


The domain object attached to the current request and response object.


A bunyan logger child with the the following properties set:

  • req: the HTTP request object
  • res: the HTTP response object
  • req_id: an ID unique to a series of request. If a X-Request-Id header was a part of the request object its value will be the value of req_id, otherwise req_id will be a randomly generated UUID.

Note that a X-Request-Id header will also be set on the response object. That way a series of request can be indentified in the bunyan log stream.