0.2.0 • Published 7 years ago

ds-ui-react v0.2.0

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Last release
7 years ago

DS-UI React Components

The DealerSocket UI React shared components.

All React components that are shared between our DS React applications will be maintained in this repo. These components implement the DS-UI design language. The UX team is responsible of driving the specifications of the DS-UI language.

##Attention This library no longer re-exports the 'material-ui' components!

Since some components are dependent on material-ui components the muiTheme in context must be set to the exported dsTheme.


node js 6.9.x https://nodejs.org/en/



npm install

Develop and test components by running:

npm run storybook

and then navigate to: http://localhost:6006

You can build the library by running:

npm run build

You can expose your build locally with npm link by running: npm link

Use your local build by running (from other project root): npm link ds-ui-react

Stop using the local build by running (from other project root): npm unlink ds-ui-react

Develop on your branch and sync and merge from the dev branch.

When we merge dev to master we will increment the version number and publish the build to NPM registry. As soon as Artifactory will be available we will use the Artifactory registry as our private NPM.

Pipeline build will fail if lint or test fail.

You can run lint by running:

npm run lint

or watch with lint-watch:

npm run lint-watch

You can FlowType check once by running:

npm run flow

or watch with flow-watch:

npm run flow-watch

Testing with mocha/enzyme/chai/sinon is run using:

npm run test

Testing and watch is run using:

npm run test-watch

Testing with coverage is run using:

npm run test-coverage

Testing with coverage and watching is run using:

npm run test-coverage-watch


7 years ago


7 years ago


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7 years ago