0.1.1 • Published 9 years ago

dts2externs v0.1.1

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Last release
9 years ago


Parse typescript d.ts files and output google closure compiler externs file

Note: this is a very crude piece of software :grin: The output is messy and the only thing it does is prevent the google closure compiler from renaming external references in your code.



$ npm install dts2externs --save-dev
$ node node_modules/dts2externs/dist/bin.js -h


$ npm install -g dts2externs
$ dts2externs -h


In npm build scripts

For projects using typings plugin. Add new script in your package.json:

  "scripts": {
    "externs": "dts2externs typings/index.d.ts -o externs.js",

In gulp build scripts

For projects using typings plugin. Include dts2externs gulp plugin:

var dts2externs = require('dts2externs').gulp();

Create a new gulp task:

gulp.task('externs', function() {
    return gulp.src(['typings/index.d.ts'])
        .pipe(dts2externs({keepComments:true, listParsedFiles:true}))

Note: added two options ( keepComments and listParsedFiles ) as an example

In javascript code

var dts2externs = require("dts2externs");
dts2externs.generate(['typings/index.d.ts'], {listParsedFiles:true});

Ugly online example @ Tonic :grin:

In console using docopt style commandline options

using stdin / stdout

Example with the node declaration file installed via typings.

Note: Using stdin will create a tempfile to parse. This means relative paths in the input will not work and you'll have to concatenate stuff yourself.

$ cat typings/global/node/index.d.ts |dts2externs > externs.js

commandline help

$ dts2externs --help

  dts2externs [--help] [options] [-chkl] [-s <style>] [ (-a [-p]) ] ([-] | <file> [<file>...]) [-o <outputfile>]

  dts2externs (-h | --help)
  dts2externs --style=(obj|proto)
  dts2externs --allow-ts [--parse-all] <file>
  dts2externs --add-console --list --keep-comments --debug <file> --output=<outputfile>

  -h, --help           Show this.
  -o, --output=FILE    Output file [default: stdout]
  -s, --style=STYLE    Output style: obj or proto [default: obj]
  -c, --add-console    Add console.log, console.error, etc.. to the output
  -k, --keep-comments  Preserve and output comments
  -l, --list           List parsed files on stdout
  -a, --allow-ts       Allow parsing of .ts files
  -p, --parse-all      Parse all (including non-exported) stuffs in .ts files
  --debug              Print some debug info to console


This project is licensed under the MIT license