1.0.0 • Published 7 years ago

dwylbot v1.0.0

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7 years ago

dwylbot = "GitHub Workflow Automation, Hints & Tips"

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Automating our GitHub workflow to .reduce the number of clicks the people need to perform to get their work done and help people communicate better with their co-workers.


Learning a (new) Workflow is never instantaneous. We the people who already know the steps in our Workflow


We use GitHub as our "single source of truth" (place to keep all our information so we don't lose anything important!). We also use GitHub to discuss ideas/features/improvements/questions, estimate the effort required to implement an idea (or "fix" an existing feature that is not working as expected) and then to track how much time a person spent on the task/feature.

We refer to this as our "Workflow". The "job" of dwylbot is to help the humans learn & follow the Workflow.

If you have not yet read the following guides:

The purpose of dwylbot will not be clear to you.


This project is written in Elixir and uses a Phoenix web server tested by Travis and running on Heroku. If you are new to any of these tools/technologies you won't understand some of the code in this repo, so, please read/learn:

Run The Project Locally!

The "production" version of dwylbot runs on Heroku, but we develop it locally and you can easily run it on your computer.

Note: only try to run this on your computer once you've understood Elixir & Phoenix.

Clone the Repository (to your personal computer)

git clone git@github.com:dwyl/dwylbot.git && cd dwylbot

Define Local Environment Variables

If you are new to "Environment Variables", please read: github.com/dwyl/learn-environment-variables

To run the application on your localhost (personal computer) create an .env file where you can define your environment variables.


export DATABASE_URL=****

Then execute the command source .env which will create your environment variables

Note: This method only adds the environment variables locally and temporarily so you need to start your server in the same terminal where you ran the source command.

Install Dependencies

mix deps.get
npm install

Confirm Everything is working

Run the tests:

mix test

Creat the Database (if it does not already exist)

mix do ecto.create

Run the Server

mix phoenix.server

You should see:

[info] Running Dwylbot.Endpoint with Cowboy using http://localhost:4000

View the Project in your Web Browser

Open http://localhost:4000 in your web browser.

That's nice, but what does it actually do...?

Understanding The Project

Given your Phoenix knowledge, you know that the first place to look when you want to understand a Phoenix project is: web/router.ex