0.0.2 • Published 3 years ago

dy-logs-service v0.0.2

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Last release
3 years ago

Logs and Metrics Service

Getting Started

Quick Start

1) Make sure you have docker-compose installed and then run docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.app.yml up --build You will have access to the ElasticSearch on localhost:9200 Kibana on localhost:5601 and Logs&Metrics service on localhost:5000

2) Generate logs by running npm install and then node insertLogs.js. You can modify the params in 'insertLogs.js' for different logs distribution. Note! use must use node >= 11 to run this script

3) Try it out by sending a request like: curl localhost:5000/api/v1/876543/ssapi/logs/all

Running and Debugging the Server in IDEA

  1. Run docker-compose up. This will bring up just the Kibana and ES

  2. Create a run configuration in your favorite IDEA (Intellij😊). Make sure to configure a build for Typescript first

  3. Debug the app locally.

Running the tests

TODO how to run the Unit tests.

Integration tests

Run ./integration-test.sh.

This script basically incorporates the following steps which you can perform separately if you want to debug the tests or run them locally from your IDEA:

  • First run docker-compose -f docker-compose.es.yml up -d.
  • Then insert the mock data with: npm run generate (make sure the ES is up and running).
  • Now you can debug the tests from your IDEA. Or run them all with npm run test.
  • Don't forget to run docker-compose -f docker-compose.es.yml down to clean up.

Coding style tests

npm run lint


Deployment is the same as all dy-helm projects

NPM Packages

Changes to the interfaces require publishing a new version of the logs-metrics-types npm package inside packages.

To do so execute the following:

  • cd packages/logs-metrics-types
  • npm install (if not already done)
  • npm run build
  • npm run publish