0.2.8 • Published 4 years ago
dyna-gettext v0.2.8
A tiny npm modules that loads the text from static json files dynamically. Save your text in a json file. They key will be used as id of that text. Below is a text file. Save it as mytext.json.
"hello" : {
"en" : "Hello [name]",
"fr" : "Bonjour [name]"
You can can load this file in your app in following way
const dynatext = require('dyna-gettext');
dynatext.load(__dirname + '/mytext.json', 'mytext');
(async () => {
let d = await dynatext.getText("hello", {id: 'mytext', lang: 'fr'}, {name: 'Nauroz'});
//Bonjour Nauroz