1.1.2 • Published 5 years ago
dynamic-file-loader v1.1.2
Dynamic File Loader (DFL)
Require or import files of directory dynamically and reduce your code lines and code complexity.
This is a Node.js module available through the npm registry.
Before installing, download and install Node.js. Node.js 4.x or higher is required.
Installation is done using the npm install command:
$ npm install dynamic-file-loader
- Dynamically load all files in a directory
- Dynamically load all files in a directory incluie it's sub directoris
- Filter files to load using exclusion array or regular expression
- Use builder or option argument style
- Support promise or async/await
All examples are made assuming a directory named files with multiples files inside. So:
|-- dir1/
| `-- file7.js
|-- dir2/
| |-- file8.js
| `-- file9.js
|-- file1.js
|-- file2.js
|-- file3.js
|-- file4.js
|-- file5.js
`-- file6.js
Using promise to load all files on directory
new DynamicFileLoader.Builder()
.onDirectory(__dirname, '/files')
.then(result => console.log(result.loadedFiles))
.catch(error => console.error(error));
Using promise to load files with RegExp
new DynamicFileLoader.Builder()
.onDirectory(__dirname, '/files')
.then(result => console.log(result.loadedFiles))
.catch(error => console.error(error));
Using async/await to load files with array exclusion and custom requirer function
async function test() {
try {
let merged = {};
const result = await new DynamicFileLoader.Builder()
.onDirectory(__dirname, '/files')
.withFilter(['file1.js', 'file3.js'])
.withRequirer((absolutePath, dirPath, fileName) => {
merged = { ...merged, ...require(absolutePath)() }
} catch(error) {
Using async/await and options argument
async function test() {
try {
let merged = {};
const options = {
//absolute path directory where be files
basePath: __dirname,
dirPath: '/files',
//list of files names to exclude or regular expression
ommit: /file([4-6]).js/,
//callback function to custom require (optional)
fnRequire: filePath => merged = { ...merged, ...require(filePath)() }
const result = await new DynamicFileLoader().load(options);
} catch(error) {