0.0.6 • Published 8 years ago
dynamic-forms v0.0.6
Javascript Dynamic Forms
Dynamic forms is a javascript library meant to help make normal HTML forms more dynamic.
- The jQuery library is required
- The compiled versions for this library are under the directory
<script src="/path/to/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="/path/to/dynamic_forms.js"></script>
See the playground for a working example.
Single Input:
<div data-dynamic-form>
<div data-dynamic-form-template="single">
<input type="text" name="single[ID]" data-dynamic-form-input-id-template="ID"/>
<button type="button" data-dynamic-form-add>Add</button>
<button type="button" data-dynamic-form-remove>Remove</button>
Multi Input:
<div data-dynamic-form>
<div data-dynamic-form-template="multi">
<input type="text" name="multi[ID][foo]" data-dynamic-form-input-id-template="ID"/>
<input type="text" name="multi[ID][bar]" data-dynamic-form-input-id-template="ID"/>
<button type="button" data-dynamic-form-add>Add</button>
<button type="button" data-dynamic-form-remove>Remove</button>
Single Input with Fill:
<div data-dynamic-form>
<div data-dynamic-form-template="single_fill" data-dynamic-form-fill='{ "0": "foo", "1": "bar", "344": "foo-bar" }'>
<input type="text" name="single_fill[ID]" data-dynamic-form-input-id-template="ID"/>
<button type="button" data-dynamic-form-add>Add</button>
<button type="button" data-dynamic-form-remove>Remove</button>
Multi Input with Fill:
<div data-dynamic-form>
<div data-dynamic-form-template="multi_fill"
data-dynamic-form-fill='{ "0": {"foo": "foo 0", "bar": "bar 0"}, "1": {"foo": "foo 1", "bar": "bar 1"} }'>
<input type="text" name="multi_fill[ID][foo]" data-dynamic-form-input-id-template="ID"
<input type="text" name="multi_fill[ID][bar]" data-dynamic-form-input-id-template="ID"
<button type="button" data-dynamic-form-add>Add</button>
<button type="button" data-dynamic-form-remove>Remove</button>
$(document).ready(function () {
var dynamicForms = new DynamicForms();
Usage Notes:
sets up a form section to be made dynamic. This is the container where new rows will be placed.data-dynamic-form-template
defines the div as a template, and the value given is the id for the template. This div will be removed from the form to prevent it from being used as input.data-dynamic-form-add
defines a button that is used to create a new row.data-dynamic-form-remove
defines a button that is used to remove a row.data-dynamic-form-input-id-template
is used for naming of dynamically added rows. The value will be replaced with the id.data-dynamic-form-input-name
is used by the fill to fill the input field.
Input Naming
- If you supply data with
, the form will automatically create new rows with the data. - Any supplied rows with
will be added to the form with their id. - Any new rows will be given an id by a base 26 alphabet system: a,b,c,...aa,ab,ac....
Adding an observer
If you ever want to capture events such as creating/removing a new row, you will need to create an observer.
Here is an example:
function Observer() {
this.elementsCreated = 0;
this.elementsRemoved = 0;
Observer.prototype.rowWasCreated = function (element) {
Observer.prototype.rowWasRemoved = function (element) {
$(document).ready(function () {
var dynamicForms = new DynamicForms();
var observer = new Observer();
- Whenever a row is created, the function
will be called. - Whenever a row is removed, the function
will be called.
8 years ago