dynamic-msw v3.0.0-rc.2.0
Dynamic Mock Service Worker (Dynamic MSW) serves as an extension to the Mock Service Worker (MSW), enhancing it with the capability to make request handlers dynamic by incorporating updateable parameters. Moreover, it provides preloaded data that can be seamlessly updated, facilitating the testing of CRUD operations. Additionally, the library offers a dashboard feature, allowing you to configure mocks on-the-fly.
To make the most of Dynamic Mock Service Worker, it is assumed that users possess a fundamental understanding of Mock Service Worker (MSW). It is highly recommended to refer to the official MSW documentation before delving into the functionalities of Dynamic Mock Service Worker.
Underlying Concept
As applications expand, they inherently become susceptible to overlooking the myriad variations that both the application and its components can embody. Consider a webshop product page as a prime example, with its potential states such as a product being out of stock. This module offers a straightforward means to effortlessly manipulate and test these states during the development process.
In an ideal scenario, comprehensive test coverage should preempt unforeseen issues. However, the reality often diverges from this ideal, necessitating a pragmatic approach. This is where the dashboard assumes significance. The dashboard acts as a centralized control center, allowing you to swiftly toggle between diverse states. This not only facilitates testing but also provides a quick overview of all possible scenarios, ensuring the visual and functional integrity of the application is thoroughly examined and validated.
Both browser and Node.js
dynamic-msw @dynamic-msw/node @dynamic-msw/browser
Node.js only
dynamic-msw @dynamic-msw/node
Browser only
dynamic-msw @dynamic-msw/browser
Getting started
The example are used in the demo.
Configure mocks
Simple mock
// createFeatureFlagsMock.js
import { configureMock } from 'dynamic-msw';
import { HttpResponse, http } from 'msw';
export const createFeatureFlagsMock = configureMock(
key: 'featureFlags', // unique key
parameters: {
checkoutProcessVersion: {
selectOptions: ['v1', 'v2'] as const,
defaultValue: 'v1',
({ getParams }) => {
return http.get('/feature-flags', () => {
return HttpResponse.json({ checkoutProcessVersion: getParams().checkoutProcessVersion });
CRUD mock
// createTodoMocks.js
import { configureMock } from 'dynamic-msw';
import { HttpResponse, http } from 'msw';
export const createTodoMocks = configureMock(
key: 'todos',
data: { todos: [] },
({ getData, setData }) => {
return [
http.post('/todos/create', async ({ request }) => {
const newTodo = await request.json();
const newTodos = [...getData().todos, newTodo];
setData({ todos: newTodos });
return HttpResponse.json(newTodos);
http.get('/todos', () => {
return HttpResponse.json(data.todos);
// createProductMocks.ts
import { configureMock } from 'dynamic-msw';
import { HttpResponse, http } from 'msw';
export type ProductReview = {
id: string;
customerName: string;
review: string;
rating: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5;
export type ProductResponse = {
id: string;
title: string;
availableStock: number;
canReview: boolean;
export type ProductApiError = {
errorType: 'out-of-stock' | 'product-not-found';
export type ProductWithoutParamaters = Omit<ProductResponse, 'availableStock' | 'canReview'>;
export const testProductsData: ProductWithoutParamaters = {
id: 'some-product',
title: 'Harry Potter',
const initialReview: ProductReview = {
id: 'some-review',
customerName: 'Bram',
review: 'Very nice product.',
rating: 5,
const initialReviews: ProductReview[] = [initialReview];
const productNotFoundResponse = HttpResponse.json<ProductApiError>(
errorType: 'product-not-found',
{ status: 404 },
export const createProductMocks = configureMock(
key: 'product', // unique key
parameters: {
productExists: true,
availableStock: 1,
canReview: true,
data: {
reviews: initialReviews,
dashboardConfig: {
pageURL: `/products/${testProductsData.id}`,
({ getParams, getData, setData }) => {
return [
http.get<never, ProductApiError | ProductResponse>('/products/:productId', () => {
const { productExists, availableStock, canReview } = getParams();
if (!productExists) {
return productNotFoundResponse;
return HttpResponse.json<ProductResponse>({
http.get<never, ProductApiError | ProductReview[]>('/products/:productId/reviews', () => {
const { productExists } = getParams();
if (!productExists) return productNotFoundResponse;
return HttpResponse.json<ProductReview[]>(getData().reviews);
http.post<never, ProductReview, ProductApiError | ProductReview>(`/products/${testProductsData.id}/reviews/create`, async ({ request }) => {
const { productExists } = getParams();
if (!productExists) return productNotFoundResponse;
const newReview = await request.json();
setData({ ...data, reviews: [...getData().reviews, newReview] });
return HttpResponse.json<ProductReview>(newReview);
Configure scenarios
// createCheckoutScenario.js
import { createFeatureFlagsMock } from './createFeatureFlagsMock';
import { createProductMocks } from './createProductMocks';
const createCheckoutScenario = configureScenario({
key: 'checkoutScenario', // unique key
mocks: [createFeatureFlagsMock(), createProductMocks()],
dashboardConfig: {
openPageURL: '/checkout',
Overriding defaults
import { createTodoMocks } from './createTodoMocks';
import { createCheckoutScenario } from './createCheckoutScenario';
const todoMocksWithInitialTodo = createTodoMocks({
data: { todos: [{ id: 'new-todo', title: 'new-todo', done: false }] },
dashboardConfig: {
openPageURL: 'http://localhost/todos/bram',
const checkoutScenarioV1 = createCheckoutScenario({ parameters: { featureFlags: { checkoutProcessVersion: 'v1' } } });
import { setupServer } from 'msw/node';
import { setupHandlers } from 'dynamic-msw';
import { createCheckoutScenario } from './createCheckoutScenario';
const testTodoMock = createTestTodoMock();
const testCheckoutScenario = createCheckoutScenario();
const dynamicMsw = setupHandlers(testCheckoutScenario, testTodoMock);
const server = setupServer(...dynamicMsw.handlers);
afterEach(() => {
test('Initial todos', () => {
testTodoMock.setData({ todos: [{ id: 'new-todo', title: 'new-todo', done: false }] });
// Assert what ever needs to happen with a list of initial todos.
test('Non existing product page', () => {
createProductMocks.updateParameters({ productExists: false });
// Assert what ever needs to happen when a product does not exist
test('Checkout scenario v1', () => {
testScenario.updateParameters({ featureFlags: { checkoutProcessVersion: 'v1' } });
// Assert what ever is relevant to the checkout v1 flow.
test('Checkout scenario v2', () => {
testScenario.updateParameters({ featureFlags: { checkoutProcessVersion: 'v2' } });
// Assert what ever is relevant to the checkout v2 flow.
Setup worker
import { setupWorker } from 'msw/browser';
import { createCheckoutScenario } from './createCheckoutScenario';
const worker = setupWorker(...setupHandlers(createCheckoutScenario()).handlers);
Setup dashboard
We dynamically import the mock dashboard in a later example to prevent bundling (dynamic) MSW dependencies into production builds.
// setupMockDashboard.js
import { setupDashboard } from '@dynamic-msw/browser';
import { createFeatureFlagsMock } from './createFeatureFlagsMock';
import { createProductMocks } from './createProductMocks';
import { createSimpleProductScenarioV1 } from './createSimpleProductScenarioV1';
import { createTodoMocks } from './createTodoMocks';
export const setup = setupDashboard([createFeatureFlagsMock(), createTodoMocks(), createProductMocks(), createSimpleProductScenarioV1()], {
renderDashboardButton: true, // true by default
export const worker = setupWorker(...setup.handlers);
This example uses top level await to keep things simple.
// App.tsx
if (USE_MOCK_DASHBOARD === 'true') {
await import('./setupMockDashboard').then(({ worker }) => worker.start());
export default function App() {
return <Layout />;
Best practices for using the dashboard
Ensure your API type definitions are generated by your backend.
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