0.2.0 • Published 1 year ago

dynamic-react-grid v0.2.0

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Last release
1 year ago



    npm install --save dynamic-react-grid
    yarn add dynamic-react-grid


Dynamic grid for react, responsive and inspired by the material-UI grid, however bringing greater simplicities, functionalities and customizations.

This lib was inspired by the Grid of material-UI, containing similar assignments.

Imagem de exemplo


rowtrue/falseIf assigned, indicates to component that it should be a line
xs, xs-m, sm, sm-m, md, md-m, lg, lg-m, xlrecommendable: 0...12 (but it can be from 0 to infinity, but this is madness)They are the standard breakpoints, but you can customize and create yours (we'll see that later).
spacing0...infinityDefined in Grid tag with row props. Indicates column spacing, ranging from 0 to infinity. Default 0
spacingY0...infinityDefined in the Grid tag with row props. Indicates the vertical spacing of columns, ranging from 0 to infinity.
spacingX0...infinityDefined in the Grid tag with row props. Indicates the horizontal column spacing, ranging from 0 to infinity.
directionrow row-reverse column column-reverse inherit initial unsetflex-direction values
justifycenter flex-start flex-end space-between space-around inherit initial unsetjustify-content values
alignContentcenter flex-start flex-end space-between space-around stretch inherit initial unsetalign-content values
alignnormal stretch center start end flex-start flex-end self-start self-end baseline first baseline last baseline safe center unsafe center inherit initial unsetalign-items values
wrapnowrap wrap wrap-reverse inherit initial unsetflex-wrap values
selfauto center flex-start flex-end baseline stretch inherit initial unsetalign-self values. Default wrap
order0...infinityorder values

Breakpoints Ramifications

I can also put Breakpoints ramifications for the above mentioned props, example:

    import Grid from 'dynamic-react-grid'

    <Grid row spacing={2} or spacing={{xs:1, sm:4, md:3, /*...*/}}>
        <Grid order={1} or order={{xs:1, sm:2, md:4, /*...*/}}>

    <Grid row direction='row' or direction={{xs:'row', sm:'row-reverse', md:'column-reverse', /*...*/}}>
        <Grid xs={12} md={6}>

This goes for all of the above props, except the row props


By default there are the following breakpoints:

        xs: 0,
        'xs-m': 300,
        sm: 600,
        'sm-m': 780,
        md: 960,
        'md-m': 1120,
        lg: 1280,
        'lg-m': 1600,
        xl: 1920

However you can create your own points:

    import {WithBreakpoints} from 'dynamic-react-grid'

    let Grid = WithBreakpoints({

    <Grid row>
        <Grid row>
            <Grid xs={6} jsIsLife={9} reactIsGood={12}>

you can also use window.breakpoints = {/.../} which dynamic-react-grid will automatically detect, but not recommended; if you're using React it can be, but if it's Next I don't recommend it due to problems related to server-side renderings, to revert this instead of window you can use globalThis, but then there are also issues related to the javascript or node version.

If you prefer, you can also work as follows:

You can enter unique breakpoints for a given Grid tag:

    <Grid row>
        <Grid row>
            <Grid bp-sm={100} bp-hello={500} sm={6} hello={9}>
    /*@media(min-width):100 e @media(min-width):500*/

bp- is short for breakpoint-

Nestling grid

The properties row and (the breakpoints) are independent. They can be combined.

    <Grid row>
        <Grid row xs={12} md={6}>
            <Grid lg={5}>


Negative margin

There is a limitation with the negative margin we use to implement spacing between items. A horizontal scrollbar will appear if a negative margin goes beyond the <body>. There are 2 solutions available:

  1. Do not use the spacing feature and implement it in userspace spacing={0} (Default).
  2. Applying Padding to the Father with at least 4 times the spacing value applied to the child:
        <div style={{ padding: 20 }}>
            <Grid row spacing={5}>

Automatic leyout

Both 4 columns below will have automatic widths, there is a flex-grow: 1 set by default, just set how to true the first breakpoint value:

    <Grid row spacing={2}>
        <Grid xs>xs</Grid>
        <Grid xs>xs</Grid>
        <Grid xs>xs</Grid>
        <Grid xs>xs</Grid>

Public utilities

useful to be used with @emotion/styled or styled-components

    import {media, mapMedia, breakpoints} from 'dynamic-react-grid'

    let Container = styled.div(props => media(breakpoints)({
        padding: 30,
        color: 'red',
        display: props.style.display,
        // --------------------------------------
        width: {xs:20, md:'50%', sm:'100vw'}
        width: mapMedia({xs:20, sm:30, md:40}, [key, val] => `calc(100px - ${val}px)`) // return -> {xs:'calc(100px - 20px)', sm:'calc(100px - 30px)', md:'calc(100px - 40px)'}
        width: mapMedia({xs:20, sm:30, md:40}, [key, val] => [`${key}-m`, `calc(100px - ${val}px)`]) // return -> {xs-m:'calc(100px - 20px)', sm-m:'calc(100px - 30px)', ...}


            display: {