0.1.3 • Published 6 years ago

dynamic-tune-in v0.1.3

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6 years ago

Dynamic Tune In

A package that compares today's date, to a premiere date, and returns a given string for that day.


Initialize your tune-in by passing it an options object with a premiereDate and a fallback which will be returned if no date is matched. When providing a date it must be in the following format: Month Day.

While testing, you can supply the today property which will run the TuneIn as if today is whatever day you set it to.

premiereDateString'June 9' or 'August 15'true
todayString'June 10' or 'May 5'false - defaults to today's date.
// create your tune-in instance
  premiereDate: 'June 9',
  today: 'June 3', // Only supply this during testing.
  fallback: '.new-season-june'

The goal here is to make it easier to show a specific element on the page, given a date or date range. Below we supply a className to each TuneIn date, which will be returned when today falls within that range. See below.

// Add your tune-in dates

// Anytime before May 20 - return '.tune-in-0'
TuneIn.before('May 20').show('.tune-in-0')

// From May 20th - 12AM on June 3rd - return .tune-in-1
TuneIn.between('May 20', 'June 3').show('.tune-in-1')

// From June 3 - 12AM on June 9 - return .tune-in-2
TuneIn.between('June 3', 'June 9').show('.tune-in-2')

// From June 10 - 12AM on June 15 - return .tune-in-3
TuneIn.between('June 10', 'June 15').show('.tune-in-3')

// From June 15 - on - return .tune-in-4
TuneIn.after('June 15').show('.tune-in-4')

// Return .premiere-tune-in on day of premier

NOTE: if multiple cases are true - the last case satisfying the condition will win.

Now that we've added tune in dates, all we need to do is call TuneIn.getElSelector() to get our current tune-in className.

var tuneInClassName = TuneIn.getElSelector()

// get the element
var tuneInEl = document.querySelector(tuneInEl)

// now do something with element. show, hide, animate, etc...

@todo - add an execute method on tunein that runs a fn rather than returning a string.


6 years ago


6 years ago


6 years ago


6 years ago


6 years ago


6 years ago