0.2.2 • Published 8 years ago

eastend v0.2.2

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Last release
8 years ago

East End

A small, simple Promise-first Javascript module loader for modern browsers. It's inspired by the AMD loader spec but it uses Promises rather than callbacks. It can also load non-AMD Javascript libraries.

It's really quite small - just over 1k before compression.

A single implementation (eastend.js) works in both Window and Worker contexts.

It's named after the east end of Alameda, where I live. Because there's another module loader with Promises called Alameda.


© 2016 Ian McKellar ian@mckellar.org

Distributed under the MIT license.


East End is in npm and bower, but it's pretty easy just to install from github. If you want you could use it from the RawGit CDN, just make sure you use a release tag to avoid surprises:

<script src="https://cdn.rawgit.com/ianloic/eastend/VERSION/dist/eastend.min.js">


Module naming

Modules are referred to by URL. This is a departure from the AMD approach, but it seems easier to reason about. Modules URLs are relative to where they're being referenced, so in a page they're relative to that page's location but in module dependencies they're relative to the module's URL.

This also allows East End to load scripts that are't written as modules in a consistent way.

Module API

Modules are Javascript files. Each file can only contain one module. Modules declare a list of dependencies and a function that returns the module's value. That value can be a promise.

Define a module:

There's a global function called define(dependencies, factory) that takes an array of module dependencies and a function that when called returns the value of the module. The simplest modules look like:

define([], function() {
    return {"hello": "world"};

Define a module with dependencies:

define(['dep1.js', 'dep2.js'], function(dep1, dep2) {
    return {dep1("hello"): dep2("world")};

Define a module with a Promise factory:

define([], function() {
    return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
        // do stuff
        resolve({"hello": "world"});

Loader API

Use the require() method to load a module. Pass it a module URL and it will return a promise that will resolve with that module, or reject if an error occurs.

Import a module:

require('library.js').then(function(library) {
    // use the library
}).catch(function() {
    // handle errors

Import a non-module JS script:

The same interface is supported for Javascript libraries that don't use define() to declare themselves but set a global variable. Pass the name of the global variable as the second argument.

require('https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/d3/3.5.16/d3.js', 'd3').then(function(d3) {
    // Do stuff.

Import a script that uses a callback:

If a script uses a callback to indicate that it has loaded or to supply data then simply end the url with =. For example:

require('https://apis.google.com/js/client.js?onload=', 'gapi').then(function(gapi) {
    // Work it.

This is useful for loading JSONP too:

require('https://api.github.com/gists/public?callback=').then(function(gists) {
    // Do things.


East End depends on the URL and Promise objects and document.head. They can be polyfilled.

Supported environments

Both page and worker Javascript contexts are supported.

Without polyfill

  • recent Chrome
  • recent Firefox
  • recent Safari
  • recent MS Edge

With polyfills

  • IE 10-11

Some support

  • IE 9 seems to mostly work


There are some tests in the tests/ directory. Load tests/runner.html in a browser.


8 years ago


8 years ago


8 years ago