0.0.10 • Published 8 years ago

easy-access v0.0.10

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Last release
8 years ago


Ridiculously easy OAuth2 authentication for command-line scripts and installed apps supporting multiple providers


Build / Install:
npm install -g easy-access
First get access to the remote API

This usually involves signing up for api access. You will be given a client ID and secret. Make sure to set your Callback url (sometimes called Redirect url) to http://localhost:3003/. You might need to drop the port depending on the provider.

Get a token manually (the first time):
easy_access google

You will be prompted for client id and secret and a browser window will open so you can authorize the access. Once you have authorized, the browser window should close and your access token will be printed to STDOUT and a .easy-access-google.json file will be created.

You must do this manually from the command line the first time from the command line. Once completed, your credentials will be cached in a local file named .easy-access-<provider_name>.json.

How to use

Use your stored credentials in a script:
TOKEN=$(easy_access google)
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" 'https://www.googleapis.com/calendar/v3/users/me/calendarList?minAccessRole=owner'

This will either use your access token or refresh token depending on expiration and the provider, but you should not need to do anything manually and you can safely put this in a script or cron entry.

Use your stored credentials within node:
var EasyAccess = require('easy-access');
var easy_access = new EasyAccess('google');
easy_access.get_access_token(function(token_data) {
  if (token_data && token_data.access_token) console.log(token_data.access_token);

Adding your own custom providers

  1. Create a .easy-access.json file in your home directory or in your project directory with the following contents for the provider:
  "somedomain": {
    "host": "somedomain.com",
    "authorize_endpoint": "/oauth/authorize",
    "token_endpoint": "/oauth/access_token",
    "scope": "read write etc"
  1. Run easy_access somedomain as with any pre-registered provider.

8 years ago


10 years ago


10 years ago


10 years ago