0.0.2 • Published 8 years ago

easy-angular-generators v0.0.2

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Last release
8 years ago


Easy angular generator is a command line tool to generate some every day used AngularJS controllers, directives, filters, services/factories. All of them based on @jhonpapa's angular style guide


As a full-time AngularJS developer I create everyday one or more controller, directive, filter, service/factory, etc, so I decided to create this tool to optimize my work flow.

How to install?

npm install -g easy-angular-generators


Just run ag --help and you will see a list of available commands. Each commands has its own help section.

Usage: ag [options] [command]


  controller|c [options] <name>  Generates an AngularJS Controlller with optional specs.
  directive|d [options] <name>   Generates an AngularJS Directive with link function by default with optional specs.
  service|s [options] <name>     Generates an AngularJS Service (Factory) with optional specs.
  factory|f [options] <name>     Generates an AngularJS Factory with optional specs.
  filter|l [options] <name>      Generates an AngularJS Filter with optional specs.


  -h, --help  output usage information

Conventions? NO

I didn't want to follow any convention for the folder/path to save the generated files since each developer has it's own preferences.

Here some examples:

ag controller AuthController
ag filter onlyNumbersGTFive
ag controller UsersController -f app/js/controllers -m MyApp -d '$timeout, MyService, MyFactory' -t app/specs/controllers
ag directive fullName -f app/js/directives -m MyApp -t app/specs/directives
ag directive fullName -f app/js/directives -m MyApp -t app/specs/directives -c fullNameDirectiveController
ag service Connect -f app/js/services -m MyApp -d '$scope' -t app/specs/services
ag factory People -f app/js/factories -m MyApp -d 'MyService, MyFactory' -t app/specs/factories

This same rule applies for everything else.

Remember to scape the special character \$ used on dependencies like $scope, $timeout, etc.

Wanna contribute?

Sure, bellow, you will find a list of what's next.

  1. fork repository.
  2. create feature/fix branch
  3. commit and push to your own forked repository. (Do not forget to add yourself as a collaborator)
  4. send pull request.


  1. Optimize.
  2. Write tests.
  3. Commands for AngularJS 2 based on same guide.
  4. include an starter command to create a brand new app with AngularJS.

8 years ago


8 years ago


8 years ago