0.3.0-beta • Published 6 years ago

easy-landing v0.3.0-beta

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Last release
6 years ago

Easy Landing

We're here to allow you to develop static landing pages with an easy and consistent structure.

Special thanks

The projects below were used to help us to develop this generator. Thanks to the creators:

  1. Laravel Mix
  2. Pug Template System



  1. NodeJS
  2. NPM or Yarn - I prefer the last one ;)

Suppose you are using a Unix system. To install it using Yarn, just navigate to your project folder and type:

$ yarn install

That's it.

Starting the dev server

After installing the dependencies, go back to the terminal, into your project folder, type:

$ yarn watch

This will open your browser automatically with the starting point of your project. The default address is http://localhost:3000. You also can access this URL from other devices with the address that you get on the terminal, normally http://<your_ip_address>:3000.

The pug files, styles and scripts will be watched and recompiled if they change, and also, the page opened previously will automatically reload with your changes.

Thanks to BrowserSync

Compiling to production

Open your terminal and type:

$ yarn production

This is enough to minify your assets to production. The /dist folder contains all the code you need.

The main tools we use

As we use Webpack and Laravel Mix, we have lots of benefits, as ES6 support, smart module importing and a good community.

The structure

The .env file

After you clone your the repository, rename .env.example to .env and configure your app-wide variables. Those variables will be accessible inside your Pug templates and used to deliver your assets properly. You may also configure any values you want to be accessible in your Pug files. It's also a good place to put API keys.

The src folder

Here you put three elements of your project: scripts, styles and templates.

Pay attention about the templates folder:

Every file inside this structure will be compiled into .html files and delivered inside dist folder. So, every partial or template that should not be compiled and/or being used to inheritance must be placed inside src/templates/partials folders.

The fonts and images

The fonts and images should be placed inside /dist/fonts and /dist/images, respectively. Also, they should be referenced as they were into the parent folders, like this:

.logo {
    background-image: url('../images/logo.png');


Q: How can I get assets from inside my Pug templates? \ A: Just call the function getAsset(path) passing the path of your asset.