0.0.4 • Published 8 years ago

easy-module-loader v0.0.4

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8 years ago

Easy and dynamic nodejs module loader

###Install npm install easy-module-loader

###Usage With easy-module-loader you can load NodeJS files from a directory and all sub-directories by instanciating an EModLoader object.

var EModLoader = require("easy-module-loader"),
    loader = EModLoader(); //or new EModLoader();
Assuming this file is placed in folder /home/dev/easytest with the following structure:

mod1.js, mod2.js and mod3.js simply exports an object like {mod: 'mod#'} 
indicating their module number, getModules will return:
  { path: '/',
    module: { mod: 'mod1' },
    absolute: '/home/dev/easytest/test/mod1.js',
    name: 'mod1' },
  { path: '/subMod',
    module: { mod: 'mod2' },
    absolute: '/home/dev/easytest/test/subMod/mod2.js',
    name: 'mod2' }
  { path: '/subMod/subSub'
    module: { mod: 'mod3' },
    absolute: '/home/dev/easytest/test/subMod/subSub/mod3.js',
    name: 'mod3' }

By default, an EModLoader will use NodeJS require function to load each JS files in the directory passed to getModules, but you can redefine this behaviour by passing an options object to the EModLoader constructor. EModLoader([options]) Options object may have the following properties:

  • options.requirer (Function(absPath)) This function will receive each absolute path and must resolve and return the module object, by default will use NodeJS require function.
  • options.filter (RegExp) This RegExp will filter each file path who should be loaded, by default will filter all JS files: /.*.js$/
  • options.order (Function(before,after)) Basic order function, used for Array#sort the list of paths. By default will order alphabetically: (b,a)=>b>a;
  • options.depth (Number) Number indicating how deep you want to list. See rreaddir-sync


  • EModLoader#getModules(dirPath) Retrieves an array of modules (see module object) included in dirPath and all sub-directories, according to EModLoader options.
  • EModLoader#loadModules(dirPath,callback) Gets modules from dirPath and executes the callback for each of these by passing path and module object. This function is intended for use with express:
var app = require("express")(),
    loader = require("easy-module-loader")();
loader.loadModules("./rest/api", app.use.bind(app));

Assuming you have the following structure

This express app will listening "/" and "/subRouter" 
by using the routers (or any middleware function) exported by router1.js and router2.js

###Module Object A module object represents each module loaded by EModLoader. It has the following properties:

  • path: Path relative to the main path on wich all modules are loaded. It starts after the dirPath you have passed to getModules function.
  • module: The module object who was required by the options.requirer function.
  • absolute: The absolute path of the module file, the same who was passed to the options.requirer function.
  • name: The name of the file loaded without extension.

######Note: Sorry if my english is not good


8 years ago


8 years ago


8 years ago


8 years ago