3.0.3 • Published 4 years ago

easy-mydb v3.0.3

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4 years ago



$ npm install --save easy-mydb


Easy-mydb encapsulate some methods of Mysql to use more convenient

If you want to query the data in the original way, you can do that like following example.

var mysql = require('mysql');
var connection = mysql.createConnection({
  host     : 'localhost',
  user     : 'root',
  password : 'root',
  database : 'db_name'
connection.query('SELECT * FROM member WHERE uid = 1 AND status = 1', function (error, results, fields) {
  if (error) throw error;
  console.log('The members are: ', results);

As you can see, you need to write native SQL statement by your self. If you want to query more data from different table, you have to write more native SQL statement like SELECT * FROM ... WHERE .... It's very redundant and inconvenient.

So how can we operate mysql table more convenient ? let's see following example.

const EasyMydb = require('easy-mydb');
const config = {
    host: ''
    , database: 'test'
    , user: 'root'
    , password: '123456'
    , prefix: 'db_'
const db = new EasyMydb(config)
//if you want a instance to operate table `User` only, you can use method 'model' to get a `User` instance of EasyMydb
const User = db.model('user') //'user' must be a practical table in your schema

async function test () {
    let users = await User.where({uid: 1, status: 1}).select()
    // if you want to operate table directly rather than get a instance first.
    let user = db.table('user').where({uid: 1, status: 1}).find()


Connection options

We use createPool method to connect mysql, the options are same as mysql's options. The most common options are

  • host The hostname of the database you are connecting to. (Default: localhost)
  • port The port number to connect to. (Default: 3306)
  • user The MySQL user to authenticate as.
  • password The password of that MySQL user.
  • prefix The prefix of table's name.
  • database Name of the database to use for this connection (Optional).
  • connectionLimit The maximum number of connections to create at once. (Default: 10).
  • ... more options you can see on Mysql

Query data

  • find query single data
  • select query multiple data
User.where({id: 1}).find()

The resulting SQL statement may be

SELECT * FROM `user` where `id` = 1 LIMIT 1
User.where({status: 1}).select()

The resulting SQL statement may be

SELECT * FROM `user` where `status` = 1

Insert data

  • insert() insert single data
  • insertAll() insert multiple data
let data = {name: 'root', 'age': 1, status: 1}
let data = [
    {name: 'root', age: 1, status: 1},
    {name: 'admin', age: 1, status: 1},

If the data is to large, you can add a second parameter to specify the number limit for each insert.

let data = [
    {name: 'root', age: 1, status: 1},
    {name: 'admin', age: 1, status: 1},
User.insertAll(data, 100)

Update data

  • update() do update with where method
  • setField(name, value) update single field's value
  • setInc(name, value) increment the field's value
  • setDec(name, value) decrement the field's value
let data = {name: 'administrator', age: 2}
User.where({id: 1}).update(data)
User.where({id: 1}).setField('name', 'UPPER(`name`)')
// update `user` set `name` = upper(`name`) where `id` = 1
User.where({id: 1}).setInc('status')
// update `user` set `status` = `status` + 1 where `id` = 1
User.where({id: 1}).setDec('age', 2)
// update `user` set `age` = `age` - 2 where `id` = 1

We can use update method to achieve the same effect like setField,setInc,setDec. Look at following example

User.where({id: 1}).exp('name', 'UPPER("root")').inc('status').dec('age', 2).update()

The resulting SQL statement may be

update `user` set `name` = UPPER("root"),`status` = `status` + 1,`age` = `age` - 2 where `id` = 1

Delete data

  • del() delete data from database's table
User.where({id: 1}).del()

You can alse use del method more simpler


id must be table's primary key, if not, you can also use setPk method to specify the primary key


Same as find method

Chained operations


alias alias of the current data table.

Alias is used to set the alias of the current data table, which is convinient to use other chained operations such as method mJoin. Because the join is a build-in method of JavaScript, so we use mJoin instead.

User.alias('u').mJoin('group g', 'u.groupId = g.id').select()

The resulting SQL statement will be

select * from `user` `u` inner join `group` `g` on `u`.`groupId` = `g`.`id`


field field's name of data table which you want unique.

Distinct method is used to return a unique different value.


The data returned will be

	{'name': 'root'},
	{'name': 'admin'}


If the result of query which you want to is only the resulting SQL statement, fetchSql can help you.

User.where({id: 1}).fetchSql().select()

The returned result is not a dataset, but a string of SQL statements.

select * from `user` where `id` = 1


name the field's names you want to keep.

In some cases, you don't need all the fields, and the field method keeps the fields you want to keep.


You can even use some MYSQL functions, just like

User.field('count(*) as count_result').select()

The resulting SQL statement will be

select count(*) as count_result from `user`


name field name to be grouped.

Group dataset based on one or more fields, if you want to group by gender

User.where({status: 1}).group('gender').select()

The resulting SQL statement will be

select * from `user` where `status` = 1 group by `gender`


Limit method mainly used to specify the number of queries.

Get 10 eligible users

User.where({status: 1}).limit(10).select()

Get 10 users from 10

User.where({status: 1}).limit(10, 10).select()
// or
User.where({status: 1}).limit('10,10').select()


join table name and alias to associate.

condition association condition.

type association type. inner,left,right. default inner

Queries data from two or more tables based on the relationship between the columns in those tables.

For example

User.alias('u').mJoin('profile p', 'p.uid = u.id', 'left').select()

The resulting SQL statement will be

select * from `user` `u` left join `profile` `p` on `p`.`uid` = `u`.`id`


name table name.

Replace a table with a veriable, we don't need table method to specify a table to be operated on.

const User = db.model('user')
const Order = db.model('order')


name field's name.

type order type DESC,ASC.

Sorting the results of a query.

User.order('id', 'DESC').select()

Also you can order by two or more fields.

User.order('id,status DESC').select()


page pagination.

listRow number of data to be queried per page.

The page method can only be used for paging queries.

Query the data on the first page, and ten data per page.

User.page(1, 10).select()


Strict mode, be used in update insert insertAll methods. In general mode, if there are some fields in the operated data don't exist in the table, we will get some errors. So we need to use strict method to filter some fields don't exist in the table.

let data = {name: 'root', age: 18, gender: 1}

If the gender field is not exist in user table, the resulting SQL statement will be

insert into `user` (`name`, `age`) values ('root', 18)


name table's name. Specify a table to be operated on.

db.table('user').where({status: 1}).select()


condition conditions for querying data. The where method is very important, it can be used in select,update or del methods, and it has many uses.

The simplest usage

User.where({status: 1}).select()


User.where('status', 1).select()

If you have two or more conditions

User.where({gender: 1, status: 1}).select()


User.where([{gender: 1}, {status: 1}]).select()

can even

User.where({gender: 1}).where({status: 1}).select()

Is that all ? No.

If you want to fuzzy query or interval query, you can do that like

User.where({id: {in: [1, 2, 3, 4]}}).select()
User.where({id: {notin: '1,2,3,4'}}).select()
User.where({id: {between: [1, 4]}}).select()
User.where({id: {notbetween: '1,4'}}).select()
User.where({id: {like: '%root%'}}).select()
User.where({id: {notlike: '%root%'}}).select()

But what if a field in table is also named like,in,between... we suggest you use like the following

User.where('between', '1').select()
User.where('in', '1').select()
User.where('like', '1').select()


User.where({'`between`': 1}).select()
User.where({'`in`': 1}).select()
User.where({'`like`': 1}).select()

The resulting SQL statement will be

select * from `user` where `between` = 1
select * from `user` where `in` = 1
select * from `user` where `like` = 1

Same as whereIn method, what's whereIn? Please see 'Advanced query'


condition conditions for querying data.

Needless to say, I believe you already know what this method is for.

Similar with where method.

Advanced query

  • whereIn where field in
  • whereNotIn where field not in
  • whereNull whether the query field is null
  • whereNotNull whether the query field is not null
  • whereBtw where field between
  • whereNotBtw where field not between
  • whereLike where field like
  • whereNotLike where field not like
User.whereIn('id', '1,2,3,4').select()
User.whereNotIn('id', '1,2,3,4').select()
User.whereBtw('id', [1, 4]).select()
User.whereNotBtw('id', [1, 4]).select()
User.whereLike('id', '%root%').select()
User.whereNotLike('id', '%root%').select()

Aggregate query

In the application, we often use some statistical data. We provide some methods to do that.

  • max get the maximum value, parameter is the field name to be counted. (essential)
  • min get the minimum value, parameter is the field name to be counted. (essential)
  • avg get the average value, parameter is the field name to be counted. (essential)
  • count statistic quantity, parameter is the field name to be counted. (optional)
  • sum get the total value, parameter is the field name to be counted. (essential)

If you have associated operations when aggregating queries.

Staff.alias('s').mJoin('group g', 'g.id = s.groupId').count()

You will get error like

Duplicate column name 'id'

So you need use field method to specify a field name just like

Staff.alias('s').mJoin('group g', 'g.id = s.groupId').field('s.id').count()


  • in/notin {id: {in/notin: '1,2'}}, id in/notin (1,2)
  • between/notbetween {id: {between/notbetween: '1,2'}}, id between/notbetween 1 and 2
  • like/notlike {id: {like/notlike: '%root%'}}, id like/notlike '%root%'
  • gt {id: {gt: 1}}, id > 1
  • lt {id: {lt: 1}}, id < 1
  • eq {id: {eq: 1}}, id = 1
  • neq {id: {neq: 1}}, id <> 1
  • egt {id: {egt: 1}}, id >= 1
  • elt {id: {elt: 1}}, id <= 1


Release link to connection pool



Close the connection and remove it from the pool


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