1.0.3 • Published 7 years ago

easy-react v1.0.3

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Last release
7 years ago


easy-react is a framework that solves the store and router problems of creating a single page react app, it is composed of three independent libraries: mini-routerjs as router, jsonstore-js as store and History for browser history management.

It is also light weight, the size of minified bundle is less than 25k.


Use via npm:

$ npm install easy-react --save
const EasyReact = require('easy-react');
const Provider = require('easy-react/Provider');

// Use es6 import
import EasyReact from 'easy-react';
import Provider from 'easy-react/Provider';

Use in browser:

Scripts for browser is under build directory, use easy-react.js for development environment(contains inline source maps), use easy-react.min.js for production. The reference in browser is window.EasyReact and it has two properties: App as easy-react Constructor and Provider as contexts provider component. Make sure window.React, window.ReactDOM and window.ReactDOMServer are available before using these bundles.

It is recommended to build your own bundles using easy-react package.


EasyReact is the main class of easy-react package, and app is an instance of EasyReact.

Write your first isomorphic react application using easy-react

Now we are going to write an application displaying users information, it contains two pages: user list and user detail. Here is a complete example, read the instruction and run it.

Let's walk through the steps of creating the example easy-react app:

1. Creating two react class User and UserList as pages. The following is a common example of an easy-react react class:

import React, { Component, PropTypes } from 'react';

const onClickAction = function(store, data){
  store.set('data', data);

class Example extends Component{
    this.context.update(onClickAction, this.props.data); // This operation will change the app store and then update the current page.
    this.context.to('/'); // This operation will navigate router to '/'.
    var Link = this.context.Link;
    return (
        <button onClick={this._onClick.bind(this)}>
        <Link href="/">Index page</Link>

Example.propTypes = {
  data: PropTypes.string.isRequired

Example.contextTypes = {
  to: PropTypes.func.isRequired, // It's a reference of easy-react's to method.
  update: PropTypes.func.isRequired, // It's a reference of easy-react's update method.
  Link: PropTypes.func.isRequired // It's a react component whose type is function.

export default Example;

The special things of this Example are the contexts it uses: to, update and Link. These contexts are provided by Provider(It will be introduced later) of easy-react. About the react context, please see Context or google it if the link is invalid.

Use update(name, action, a, b, c, d, e, f) if you want to update the store and then update the page, more about the params please see do. Use to(url, action, a, b, c, d, e, f) if you want the app navigate to another page. Use Link if you want the app navigate to another page when the link is clicked.

2. Mapping / to UserList and /users/:userId to User. The following is a common example of an easy-react route registration:

import React from 'react';
import EasyReact from 'easy-react';
import Provider from 'easy-react/Provider';

const app = new EasyReact({
  store: yourStore,
  viewContainer: '#root'

app.createRoute('/foo/:bar', function (request, state) {
  return (
    <Provider app={app}>
      <Example data={state}/>

As the example shows, we instantiated an app first and then register a route with the path /foo/:bar, the route callback returns a react component which will be used as view.

The Provider component provides to, update and Link contexts to it's children, it requires an instance of EasyReact as its app property.

The router callback will be passed two parameters: request and state. The state is a copy of current store and the request is an object parsed by simple-url.

3. Do some further processing to make the app work.

App created by easy-react is url drived.

At server side, we use app.getView(path, stringify, staticMarkup) to get rendered markup as the example does. Before rendering the view, we perhaps need to update the store using some data that comes from database or other server. To do this, use the app.updateStore(name, action, a, b, c, d, e, f) method.

In browser context, there are tree different ways to drive the app: app.to, app.update and Link. The to method navigate the app to display a page routed by url parameter. The update method will do an action(if it's provided) to update the store and then get the window.location.href to update the current page. The Link component will navigate the app to its href. Also, the app will listen in browser's history change and use to to drive itself. So, to make the app work in browser we need do a update() when the bundled script is loaded as the example does.

That all, a basic easy-react application is completed.

Constructor and methods


storeThe initial data used by app's store, see jsonstore-js.Any safe type{}
strictWhether using strict mode to match the path, see mini-routerjsBooleanfalse
historyTypeThe browser history type to use, 'h5' or 'hash'.StringIt will be detected by History automatically and 'h5' is preferred.
viewContainerSelector of the dom element to hold the react root component, the app will use window.document.querySelector to get that element.StringUndefined

app.createRoute(route, callback)

routeThe route pattern to use to register the callback, see mini-routerjs.Stringundefined
callbackThis callback is expected to return a react component.Functionundefined


callbackWhen a route mismatch happens, this callback will be used to return a react component.Functionundefined

app.getView(path, stringify, staticMarkup)

pathThe url or path used to match a router.Stringundefined
stringifyWhether render the matched react component to string, ReactDOMServer.renderToString will be used if it's true.Booleanfalse
staticMarkupWhether render the matched react component to static markup, ReactDOMServer.renderToStaticMarkup will be used if both stringify and staticMarkup are true.Booleanfalse

app.updateStore(name, action, a, b, c, d, e, f)

This method is used to update the app's store, its usage is equal to jsonsotre-js's do.

app.to(url, action, a, b, c, d, e, f)

This method is used to navigate the app to a page whose url matches the url parameter. If parameters following the url is provided, the app's store will be updated first. The usage of the action is equal to jsonsotre-js's do.

app.update(name, action, a, b, c, d, e, f)

This method is used to update the current page whose url matches the window.location.href. If parameter action is provided, the app's store will be updated first. The usage of the action is equal to jsonsotre-js's do.

app.get(path, copy)

This method is used to get some data of the app's store, its usage is equal to jsonstore-js's get.
