1.3.0 • Published 2 years ago

easy-service-cli v1.3.0

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Last release
2 years ago


cli of mock and generate service


npm i easy-service-cli -g


install dependency & initialize config.ts

easy-service init

export const config = {
  MOCK_PORT: 7001,
  ROOT_PATH: 【Root path of your application】, // like "/Users/username/projects"
  SERVICES_PATH: 【Your service path of your application】, // like "/Users/username/projects/app/services"
  API_URL: 【Api interface doc for file downloading】,
  REG_SERVICE: 【RegEx for matching your service code】// like 【/((get|post|put|delete)[a-zA-Z]+):\s*'(\/api(\/:?[a-z-]+)+)'/g】 to match 【getFilePagingList: '/api/workflow/categories/filetree/label/ancestors',】
  REG_API: 【RegEx for matching the service api which you wanna generate mock data】, // like 【/([a-zA-Z]+):\s*{\n\s*api:\s*'(get|post|put|delete)@(\/api(\/:?[a-zA-Z-]+)+)',(\s\/\/\sAUTO)/g】
  REG_SYMBOL: 【RegEx for matching the target file, the auto generated code will be insert into the target file below your symbol】// like 【/(\/\/\s>\sAUTO\s*GENERATED)/g】

getApiInfoByReg: (regRes: any) => { const , apiName, method, apiPath = regRes; return { apiName, method, apiPath }; }, getOutputServiceByTemplate: ({apiName, paramsT, resT}: {apiName: string, paramsT: string, resT: string}) => { return apiName+': (params: '+paramsT+')=> '+resT+';' } };

#### download api swagger based on API_URL from config.ts

> easy-service download

#### generate service by API swagger

> easy-service generate-service [workDir]

#### start mock server based on MORK_PORT form config.ts

> easy-service mock

will mock data by 3 ways a) the api interface doc from easy-service-config/swagger/* b) the matched service by REG_API c) interface from local file of /easy-service-config/local-api.router.ts

the priority will be c > b > a

#### how to use the mock tool in your application?
> npm i axios-retry-adapter

> package.json [for example]
"rm -rf public && NODE_ENV=development MODE=DEV MOCK=TRUE node --trace-deprecation node_modules/webpack/bin/webpack.js --config ./webpack/webpack.config.js --progress --color -w",


const getMockPort = () => { const { config } = dotenv.config({ path: path.resolve(process.cwd(), '../easy-service-config/config.ts') }); return config.MOCK_PORT; }; ...

const mockPort = process.env.MOCK ? getMockPort() : '';

... new webpack.DefinePlugin({ ... 'process.env.MOCK_PORT': JSON.stringify(mockPort), }),

> axios config 
import axios, { AxiosAdapter } from 'axios';
  const mockPort = process.env.MOCK_PORT;

    (config) => {

      const adapter = mockPort
      ? retryAdapterEnhancer(axios.defaults.adapter as AxiosAdapter, {
        retryTimes: 1,
        url: url.replace(/(\/api\/)/g, `/${method}/`),
        baseURL: `${mockPort}`,
      : axios.defaults.adapter;

      set(config, 'adapter', adapter);
      return config;
    (error) => {
      return Promise.reject(error);