0.0.1 • Published 7 years ago

easy_coffee v0.0.1

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7 years ago

#####Welcome to easy_coffee, a simplified and minimalistic module for all of your CoffeeScript applications. ##### #####It's obvious that running a command like coffee --compile app.coffee is not good for development of CoffeeScript applications. You may ask why even use this when you can just use coffee app.coffee, but the ordinary coffee command isn't the best in many things, especially when it comes to receiving error messages in Node.js applications. This module simply solves many of the problems CoffeeScript developers may face when developing in such a programming environment. #####In order to start, let's suppose you have this CoffeeScript code:

add = (num) -> num + 5
sub = (num) -> num - 5
seq = (funcs..., num) ->
  for func in funcs
    num = func(num)
  return num
console.log seq(add, add, sub, 15)

#####This is a simple CoffeeScript program for sequencing functions. In order to apply easy_coffee to this program, simply go to the terminal and enter this command:

npm install easy_coffee child_process fs

#####And then change your code to this:

easy_coffee = require("easy_coffee")

add = (num) -> num + 5
sub = (num) -> num - 5
seq = (funcs..., num) ->
  for func in funcs
    num = func(num)
  return num
console.log seq(add, add, sub, 15)

#####Now you can utilize the functions provided with this module. Some functions available in this module are:

  • easy_coffee.compile(FILENAME) - Code: easy_coffee.compile("test_app") - Result: ./test_app.js contains pure JavaScript code - Usage: Use command at the end of the program
  • easy_coffee.exec(COMMAND) - Code: easy_coffee.exec('coffee -w test_app.coffee') - Result: A watch environment has been made for your code - Usage: Use for repeated usage of high-level commands #####More functionality is coming soon... be sure to share this with other developers!