1.0.0 • Published 4 years ago

ecc-auth v1.0.0

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Last release
4 years ago


What is this?

  • A library that normalizes the crypto API for browser and Node.js
  • A library to sign fetch requests using secp256k1
  • A middleware to validate those signatures from express
  • Uses the native crypto in the browser and the built in Node.js package


npm install --save ecc-auth

Usage to authenticate requests


import * as ecc from "ecc-auth/browser";
import { ApiClient } from "ecc-auth/api-client";

// generate ephemeral keys
const keys = ecc.generateKeyPair();

// create client instance
const client = new ApiClient("https://my-service.menduz.com", keys, ecc);

// send signed request
await client.fetch("/me");

Node.js (express)

import { requireSignature, getContext } from "ecc-auth/middleware";

const publicKeyWhitelist = new Set<string>();

function authenticatePublicKey(request, response, next) {
  const ctx = getContext(request);

  if (publicKeyWhitelist.has(ctx.publicKey)) {
  } else {

app.get("/me", requireSignature(), authorizePublicKey, function (req, res) {
  res.send("Hi there!");

Usage of the plain ECC functions

// from Node.js
import * as ecc from "ecc-auth/node";
// from Browser
import * as ecc from "ecc-auth/browser";

// generate keys
const keys = ecc.generateKeyPair();

const payload = toHex("Hi there!");

// sign payload
const sig = await signUint8Array(payload, keys.privateKey);

// validate signature
  true == (await isSignatureValid(sig.signature, payload, keys.publicKey))

Exposed interface

// both 'ecc-auth/browser' and 'ecc-auth/node' modules expose the same interface

function isSignatureValid(
  signature: Uint8Array,
  message: Uint8Array,
  publicKey: Uint8Array
): Promise<boolean>;
function isSignatureValidHex(
  signatureHex: string,
  messageHex: string,
  publicKeyHex: string
): Promise<boolean>;
function validateRequestSignature(
  signatureHex: string,
  method: string,
  path: string,
  timestamp: string,
  body: string | Uint8Array | void,
  publicKeyHex: string
): Promise<void>;
function generateKeyPair(): Keys;
function getRequestSignature(
  method: string,
  path: string,
  timestamp: string,
  body: string | Uint8Array | void,
  privatekey: Uint8Array
): Promise<Signature>;
function fromHex(hexString: string): Uint8Array;
function toHex(bytes: Uint8Array): string;
function signString(message: string, key: Uint8Array): Promise<Signature>;
function signUint8Array(
  msgUint8: Uint8Array,
  key: Uint8Array
): Promise<Signature>;
function sha256string(message: string): Promise<string>;
function sha256(msgUint8: Uint8Array): Promise<string>;