1.0.5 • Published 30 days ago

echarts-wrapper-react v1.0.5

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30 days ago


It is a React wrapper for embedding Apache ECharts charts in a React application.


You can install the ECharts Wrapper for React and the ECharts library via npm:

npm install echarts-wrapper-react
npm install echarts

then use it

import React from 'react';
import { ReactECharts } from 'echarts-wrapper-react';

const MyChartComponent = () => {
  const option = {
    // Your ECharts option configuration

    <div style={{ width: "50vw", height: "50vh" }}>
      <ReactEcharts option={option} />

export default MyChartComponent;


Import the ReactECharts component and use it within your React application:

import { EChartsOption } from 'echarts';
import { ReactEcharts, ReactEchartsComponentProps } from 'echarts-wrapper-react';

const App = () => {
  const option: EChartsOption = {
    // Your ECharts configuration

  const opts: ReactEchartsComponentProps["opts"] = {
    devicePixelRatio: 2,
    renderer: 'svg',

  const onEvents: ReactEchartsComponentProps["onEvents"] = {
    click: ({ event, chartInstance }) => {
      console.log('Chart clicked:', event, chartInstance);
    legendselectchanged: ({ event, chartInstance }) => {
      console.log('Legend selection changed:', event, chartInstance);

  return (
      // chart height and width

export default App;


- option (required)

Type: EChartsOption

The ECharts option configuration object, refer https://echarts.apache.org/en/option.html#title

- theme

Type: string | Record<string, unknown>

Description: Theme configuration for ECharts. This can be either a string representing the theme name or an object defining the theme.

- opts

Type: EChartsInitOpts

Description: Additional options for initializing ECharts, such as devicePixelRatio and renderer.

- autoResize

Type: boolean

Default: true

Description: Determines whether the chart should automatically resize when the window is resized.

- onEvents

Type: Partial<Record<ElementEvent'type', (params: { event: EChartEventType; chartInstance: EChartsType; }) => void>>

Description: Event handlers for ECharts events. Each key represents an event type, and the corresponding value is a function that handles the event.

- width

Type: PixelValue

Description: Width of the chart. Accepts a string representing a CSS pixel value.

- height

Type: PixelValue Description: Height of the chart. Accepts a string representing a CSS pixel value.

- loadingType

Type: string

Description: Type of loading animation for ECharts like 'default'.

- loadingOption

Type: object

Description: Configuration options for the loading inside showLoading, such as text, color, and maskColor.

Echarts API

to use API on chart instance, pass ref to the component and then use it wherever needed.

  • The getEchartsInstance method returns ECharts instance, allowing you to call instance's methods such as getWidth, getHeight, resize, setOption, and more.
import { ReactEcharts, ReactEchartsRef } from "echarts-wrapper-react";
import { useRef } from "react";

const App = () => {

  const chartRef = useRef<ReactEchartsRef>(null);

  const getChartWidth = () => {
    // get chart Instance
    const chartInstance = chartRef.current?.getEchartsInstance();
    if (chartInstance) {
      // use any instance API

  return (
    <div style={{ height: '50vh', width: '50vw' }}>
        // Example chart option configuration
      <button onClick={getChartWidth}>Get Chart Width</button>

export default App;


How to resolve "Component series.scatter3D not exists. Load it first." error?

If you encounter this error, it means that you are trying to use a component or feature (e.g., scatter3D) that requires the echarts-gl module. To resolve this error, you need to install the echarts-gl package and import it into your project. Here's how:

  • Install echarts-gl package:
npm install --save echarts-gl
  • Import echarts-gl module in your code:
import 'echarts-gl';

After installing echarts-gl and importing it into your project, you should be able to use the GL components without encountering the error.