1.0.2 • Published 8 years ago

ecmas-annotations v1.0.2

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8 years ago


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This is a Node.js library which allows you to add annotations describing metdata data about constructors, methods, and properties within javascript files.


 * @MyConstructorAnnotation("some value")
function HelloWorld(){}

HelloWorld.prototype = {
     * @MyPropertyAnnotation(foo=[1,2,3,4], bar={"hello":"there"})
    myProperty: 'foo',

     * @MyMethodAnnotation("foobar", something="hello")
    myMethod: function(){



Need Node >= 4.0.0

> npm install ecmas-annotations


Full example in example folder (node main.js to test is).

Create an Annotation

// my-constructor-annotation.js
// ----------------------------
'use strict'
const Annotation = require('esmac-annotations').Annotation;

module.exports = class MyConstructorAnnotation extends Annotation {

     * The possible targets
     * (Annotation.DEFINITION, Annotation.CONSTRUCTOR, Annotation.PROPERTY, Annotation.METHOD)
     * @type {Array}
    static get targets() { return [Annotation.CONSTRUCTOR] }

     * Constructor to add attributes
     * @type {Array}
    constructor(data, filePath){
      super(data, filePath)
       * The main value
       * @type {String}
      value = 'default value'

       * An additional attribute
       * @type {String}
      sample = 'default value for sample'
     * Optional initialization method that
     * can be used to transform data
     * @param  {Object} data
     * @return {void}
    init: function(data){
        // do something with data

Add the Annotation to a File

// my-sample.js
// ------------

 * @MyConstructorAnnotation("some value", sample="here is an attribute value")
function MySample(){}

Parse the Annotation

// my-parser.js
// ------------

const path = require('path')
const annotations = require('ecmas-annotations')

// create the registry
const registry = new annotations.Registry()

// add annotations to the registry
registry.registerAnnotation(path.join(__dirname, 'my-constructor-annotation'))

// create the annotation reader
const reader = new annotations.Reader(registry)

// parse the annotations from a file, default parse ES6 file, Reader.ES5 to force ES5
reader.parse(path.join(__dirname, 'my-sample.js'), Reader.ES6)

// get the annotations
const definitionAnnotations = reader.definitionAnnotations
const constructorAnnotations = reader.constructorAnnotations
const methodAnnotations = reader.methodAnnotations
const propertyAnnotations = reader.propertyAnnotations

// loop through and handle the annotations

    // @MyConstructorAnnotation
    if (annotation.annotation === 'MyConstructorAnnotation'){

        // do something with the annotation data
        console.log(annotation.target); // -> "MySample"
        console.log(annotation.value); // -> "some value"
        console.log(annotation.sample); // -> "here is an attribute value"


Supported Attribute Types

// string
@MyAnnotation(foo="a string")

// boolean

// array

// object

// nested annotations
@MyAnnotation(foo=@MyNestedAnnotation("this is nested", foo=true))

// array of nested annotations
@MyAnnotation(foo=[@MyNestedAnnotation("nested 1"), @MyNestedAnnotation("nested 2")])
