1.0.4 • Published 1 year ago

ecss-tree v1.0.4

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1 year ago


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Adblock Extended CSS supplement for CSSTree. This allows you to manage the main adblock Extended CSS elements with tools from the CSSTree library. It supports various Extended CSS language elements from Adblock Plus, AdGuard, and uBlock Origin. See the Supported Extended CSS elements section for a list of currently supported elements.

Our primary goal is to change the internal behavior of the CSSTree parser to support Extended CSS elements, but we don't want to change the API or the AST structure of CSSTree. This means that this library keeps the same API as CSSTree, and you can use it as a drop-in replacement for CSSTree if you need to parse Extended CSS.

:warning: Note: If you are looking for a library that can parse CSS, and you don't know what is Adblock / Extended CSS, you should probably use CSSTree instead of this library :)

Table of contents


You can install the library using one of the following methods:

  • Using NPM:
    npm install ecss-tree
  • Using Yarn:
    yarn add ecss-tree

NPM package: https://www.npmjs.com/package/ecss-tree

Supported Extended CSS elements

Currently, the following Extended CSS pseudo classes are supported:

In addition, CSSTree supports the following pseudo classes by default:

Also, CSSTree supports legacy Extended CSS elements by default (attribute selectors): [-ext-name="value"], where name is the name of the Extended CSS element and value is its value. For example, the following selector can be parsed by CSSTree:

[-ext-has="selector list"]

If a pseudo class is unknown to CSSTree, it tries to parse it as a Raw element (if possible - see problematic cases).

The CSSTree library itself is quite flexible and error-tolerant, so it basically manages well the Extended CSS elements that are not (yet) included here.


For example, the following selector

div:-abp-has(> section)

will be parsed by the default CSSTree as follows

    "type": "Selector",
    "loc": null,
    "children": [
            "type": "PseudoClassSelector",
            "loc": null,
            "name": "-abp-has",
            "children": [
                    "type": "Raw",
                    "loc": null,
                    "value": "> section"

The problem with this is that the -abp-has parameter is parsed as Raw, not as a Selector, since -abp-has is an unknown pseudo class in CSS / CSSTree.

This is where the ECSSTree library comes into play. It detects that -abp-has expects a selector as a parameter, i.e. it parses the passed parameter as a Selector. This means that the selector above will be parsed as follows:

    "type": "Selector",
    "loc": null,
    "children": [
            "type": "PseudoClassSelector",
            "loc": null,
            "name": "-abp-has",
            "children": [
                    "type": "Selector",
                    "loc": null,
                    "children": [
                            "type": "Combinator",
                            "loc": null,
                            "name": ">"
                            "type": "TypeSelector",
                            "loc": null,
                            "name": "section"

Combinator and similar Nodes are part of CSSTree, this fork simply specifies that the -abp-has parameter should be parsed as a selector. The nodes themselves are part of the CSSTree.

Advanced validation

In addition, this approach enables a more advanced validation. For example, the default CSSTree does not throw an error when parsing the following selector:


since it doesn't know what -abp-has is, it simply parses 42 as Raw. ECSSTree parses the parameter as a selector, which will throw an error, since 42 is simply an invalid selector.

Handle problematic cases

The library also handles problematic selectors, such as the following:


This selector doesn't fully meet with CSS standards, so even if CSSTree is flexible, it will not be able to parse it properly, because it will tokenize it as follows:

Token typeStart indexEnd indexSource part

At quote mark (') tokenizer will think that a string is starting, and it tokenizes the rest of the input as a string. This is the normal behavior for the tokenizer, but it is wrong for us, since the parser will fail with an ")" is expected error, as it doesn't found the closing parenthesis, since it thinks that the string is still open.

ECSSTree will handle this case by a special re-tokenization algorithm during the parsing process, when parser reaches this problematic point. This way, ECSSTree's parser will be able to parse this selector properly. It is also true for xpath.

Note: ECSSTree parses :contains and :xpath parameters as Raw. The main goal of this library is changing the internal behavior of the CSSTree's parser to make it able to parse the Extended CSS selectors properly, not to change the AST itself. The AST should be the same as in CSSTree, so that the library can be used as a drop-in replacement for CSSTree. Parsing :xpath expressions or regular expressions in detail would be a huge task, and requires new AST nodes, which would be a breaking change. But it always parses the correct raw expression for you, so you can parse/validate these expressions yourself if you want. There are many libraries for this, such as xpath or regexpp. See example codes for more details.

Example JavaScript codes

Here are some example codes to show how to use ECSSTree. The API is the same as in CSSTree, so you can use the CSSTree documentation as a reference.

Parse and generate

A simple example to parse and generate selectors (if the selector is invalid, parsing will throw an error):

const { parse, generate, toPlainObject, fromPlainObject } = require("ecss-tree");
const { inspect } = require("util");

// Some inputs to test
const inputs = [
    // Valid selectors
    `div:-abp-has(> .some-class > a[href^="https://example.com"])`,
    `body:style(padding-top: 0 !important;):matches-media((min-width: 500px) and (max-width: 1000px))`,

    // Missing closing bracket at the end
    `div:-abp-has(> .some-class > a[href^="https://example.com"]`,

// Iterate over inputs
for (const input of inputs) {
    try {
        // Parse raw input to AST. This will throw an error if the input is not valid.
        // Don't forget to set context to 'selector', because CSSTree will try to parse
        // 'stylesheet' by default.
        const ast = parse(input, { context: "selector" });

        // By default, AST uses a doubly linked list. To convert it to plain object, you can
        // use toPlainObject() function.
        // If you want to convert AST back to doubly linked list version, you can use
        // fromPlainObject() function.
        const astPlain = toPlainObject(ast);
        // const astAgain = fromPlainObject(astPlain);

        // Print AST to console
        console.log(inspect(astPlain, { colors: true, depth: null }));

        // You can also generate string from AST (don't use plain object here)
    } catch (e) {
        // Mark invalid selector
        console.log(`Invalid selector: ${input}`);

        // Show CSSTree's formatted error message

Validate XPath expressions in :xpath() (walker example)

You can validate :xpath() expressions with xpath library this way:

const { parse, walk } = require("ecss-tree");
// https://www.npmjs.com/package/xpath
const xpath = require("xpath");

// Some inputs to test
const inputs = [
    // Some examples from https://www.w3schools.com/xml/xpath_syntax.asp

    // Invalid :xpath() pseudo-class

// Iterate over inputs
for (const input of inputs) {
    // Parse raw CSS selector to AST
    const ast = parse(input, { context: "selector" });

    // Walk parsed AST
    walk(ast, (node) => {
        // If the current node is a :xpath() pseudo-class
        if (node.type === "PseudoClassSelector" && node.name === "xpath") {
            // Get the argument of the pseudo-class (xpath expression)
            // This is a Raw node, so the expression itself is in node.value
            // See https://github.com/csstree/csstree/blob/master/docs/ast.md#raw
            const arg = node.children.first;

            try {
                // Try to parse xpath expression. If it's invalid, then an error
                // will be thrown

                // If no error was thrown, then the expression is valid
                console.log(`Valid xpath expression: ${arg.value}`);
            } catch (e) {
                // If error was thrown, then the expression is invalid
                console.log(`Invalid xpath expression: ${arg.value}`);

Validate Regular Expressions in :contains() (walker example)

You can validate regular expressions in :contains() pseudo-classes with regexpp library this way:

const { parse, walk } = require("ecss-tree");
// https://www.npmjs.com/package/regexpp
const { RegExpValidator } = require("regexpp");

// Some inputs to test
const inputs = [
    // Not RegExps
    `:contains(aaa bbb)`,

    // Invalid flag

    // RegExps

// Create RegExpValidator instance
// See https://github.com/mysticatea/regexpp#validateregexpliteralsource-options
const validator = new RegExpValidator();

// Iterate over inputs
for (const input of inputs) {
    // Parse raw CSS selector to AST
    const ast = parse(input, { context: "selector" });

    // Walk parsed AST
    walk(ast, (node) => {
        // If the current node is a :contains() pseudo-class
        if (node.type === "PseudoClassSelector" && node.name === "contains") {
            // Get the argument of the pseudo-class. It's a Raw node, so the
            // value is stored in node.value property.
            // See https://github.com/csstree/csstree/blob/master/docs/ast.md#raw
            const arg = node.children.first;

            try {

                // If no error was thrown, then the argument is a regexp
                console.log(`Valid regexp: ${arg.value}`);
            } catch (e) {
                // If error was thrown, then the argument is not a regexp
                console.log(`Invalid regexp: ${arg.value}`);

Using in browser

Our build process generates a browser-friendly version of the library, which can be used in the browser. You can insert it into your HTML page like this:

<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/ecss-tree/dist/ecsstree.iife.min.js"></script>


<script src="https://unpkg.com/ecss-tree@latest/dist/ecsstree.iife.min.js"></script>

Example usage:

    const ast = ECSSTree.parse("input", { context: "selector" });
    const plain = ECSSTree.toPlainObject(ast);

Development / Contributing

Here is a short guide on how to contribute to this project:

  • Pre-requisites: Node.js (v14 or higher), Yarn (v2 or higher), Git, VSCode (optional)
  • Clone the repository with git clone
  • Install dependencies with yarn install
  • Create a new branch with git checkout -b <branch-name> (e.g. git checkout -b add-some-feature)
  • Make your changes in the src folder and make suitable tests for them in the test folder
  • Please do NOT differ from the original CSSTree API! Our primary goal is to keep the API as close as possible to the original CSSTree, so that it is easy to switch between the two libraries, if needed. We only improve the "internal logic" of the library to make it able to parse Extended CSS selectors, but the API should be the same!
  • Run tests with yarn test (or run only a specific test with yarn test <test-name>)
  • Commit your changes and push them to GitHub to your fork
  • Create a pull request to this repository

Note: you can find CSSTree API map here: https://github.com/csstree/csstree#top-level-api

We would be happy to review your pull request and merge it if it is suitable for the project.

Development commands

During development, you can use the following commands (listed in package.json):

  • yarn test - run tests with Jest (you can also run a specific test with yarn test <test-name>)
  • yarn build - build the library to the dist folder by using Rollup

Reporting problems / Requesting features

If you find a bug or want to request a new feature, please open an issue or a discussion on GitHub. Please provide a detailed description of the problem or the feature, and if possible, a code example, to make it easier to understand.


This library is licensed under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.


In this section, we would like to thank the following people for their work:


Here are some useful links to learn more about Extended CSS selectors: