0.1.0-alpha.4 • Published 7 years ago

edenjs-core v0.1.0-alpha.4

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Last release
7 years ago


bitHound Overall Score issues dependencies license Awesome

Awesome isomorphic NodeJS skeleton for structured applications. Just take a look at its bundles.


There are many very good Node/Express/Mongo frameworks around. There is no true "correct" way of build your applications skeleton, what EdenJS tries to do is give you a boilerplate bootstrap/express/mongoDB base for large bundled NodeJS applications.


  • Based on ES6 async/await
  • Out of the box MVC structured development environment
  • Established expressJS application base that you're already used to
  • Fully real time with socketio
  • Extremely fast isomorphic rendering with riotJS
  • Extensible models with mongorito

Quick Development

// use strict
'use strict';

// require local dependencies
var alert      = require ('alert');
var controller = require ('controller');

 * build example controller
class example extends controller {
   * get index action
   * @route {get} /
  indexAction (req, res, next) {
    // the same as router.get ('/', example.indexAction)
    // uses standard expressJS router
    // SSR with riotJS
    res.render ('home');

    // alert user
    alert.user (req.user, 'success', 'successfully loaded index');

   * socketio event emit
   * @socket event
  eventSocket (Socket, data, User) {
    // out of the box socket transport with authentication

    // emit directly
    Socket.emit ('data', {});

    // alert socket
    alert.socket (Socket, 'success', 'successfully received event');

 * export example controller
 * @type {example}
module.exports = example;


The entire framework has been written to be built and compiled with gulp. To install and run the boilerplate is as simple as:

// deploy EdenJS
git init; git remote add origin https://github.com/eden-js/eden.git; git pull;

// development
npm install; gulp;

// install (for production)
gulp install;

// run in production
node app;