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Anno 1802 contains the Anno 1802: Rising Tide expansion. It is a free expansion to the Anno 1800 base game. This expansion adds two new civilizations, two new cities, and new gameplay options such as a custom map editor.

The free expansion Anno 1800: Rising Tide adds two new civilizations, two new cities, and a custom map editor to the original Anno 1800 game. New additions to the game include a new threat named the "Kharsu", new buildings, and of course, a new map editor. The Kharsu is the most powerful force in the universe. Even its attacks can destabilize the universe and force the Kharsu to go on a rampage. The Anno 1800: Rising Tide expansion adds new buildings, new technologies, new maps, and many more fixes and improvements. The new civilizations are the Kharsu and the Tayi. The Kharsu is an alien threat that can cause planets to go rogue and slowly destabilize the universe. The new empires also feature a new map editor.

Anno 1800 combines beloved features from 20 years of Anno history. It delivers a rich city-building experience, including a story-based campaign, a highly customizable sandbox mode, and the classic Anno multiplayer experience. Anno 1800 will see the return of beloved features such as individual AI opponents, shippable trade goods, randomly generated maps, multi-session gameplay, items, and more.

Download Anno 2070 Complete Edition for PC to access the Anno 2070 Deep Ocean add-on. Dive deep underwater to gain control of the rising Tech Genius faction. Harness geothermal energy from Earths core to power your cities above the waterline, and face the challenges and risks of such a powerful form of energy. Erect over 30 new underwater buildings, including the Tech monument, an architectural masterpiece that ultimately lies at the heart of every city. The Deep Ocean expansion also provides over 150 new quests as well as the Hostile Takeover feature, which allows you to expand your territory. 84d34552a1


1 year ago